 the Assoziations-Blaster maybe is ...



... in terms of reading:

  • a different way for organzing information
  • a device that helps brainstorming
  • an entertaining journey through everyone's thoughts

... in terms of writing:

  • a non-linear website with a built-in editor
  • a tool to write books or to get them written automatically

... in terms of the net:

  • a machine that finally will reveal how everything is linked
  • a system to integrate linear/hierarchical texts with non-lienar associative texts (through the Web-Blaster and the »create link« function)
  • an encapsulted prototype of how the whole web could be working: driven downside up
  • a connector between all kinds of views, languages, cultures an people, creating the ultimate post-modern ambivalence or a kind of between-facts-knowledge

Visit the ...

Hint: This project is about participation. To fastly receive an impression on how it works, take part in the game and enter some texts. If no text is at hand, try searching the web for copy-paste ressources; for example by entering the current keyword into Google; please respect the authors copyright!.

A project by Alvar Freude and Dragan Espenschied
Contact: info@assoziations-blaster.de