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on Apr 8th 2001, 13:51:44, akronym wrote the following about


sun is a wonderful thing, cuz its so bright n warm n clear n simple and its one of the thing that we humans will not be able to mess up, at least not in near future ;) (as opposed to other beautiful things here on earth).
just these damn clouds hide the sun. they are like parasites, cuz they steal all the energy from the sun, while just laying themselves in front of us.
A-Bombs are just as beautiful, just as bright n warm and clear n simple. its kinda the same principle as the sun too. H-Bombs even further. But still, i associate A-Bombs with pure destruction, and hate, and negative energy and hell. Just because usually A-Bombs are too close to us living beings, that they cause damage. and another difference is, they are made only for ultimate destruction. i think i will make up a keyword for A-Bomb, as soon as i find out how this works!....

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