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on Jun 5th 2008, 16:42:13, Sandro Kafoon wrote the following about


Second, Hainsley should not be entrusted with calibrating the Karch-Forenz Device simply because during his first assignment out of this office he mistook a wrift wrench for a wench wrench (a heedless, beginner's error) and subsequently reversed the effluent flow from the IBC field back into the primary scalding junction where several socket-welded flanges failed and allowed pressure inside the Lola 1010 (the »new« one acquired from Team Hoopa last year which Garver had already dropped once on the loading dock, denting the fence attachment) to greater than 400 p.s.i., thereby causing the central bellows to explode, obliterating the machine itself and demolishing the east wall of the facilty (a stud bolt from the Lola was found lodged in the Safety Shed door, over 200 yards away).

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