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Texts to »Jonas-and-Lukas-will-host-a-gay-tv-show-in-Germany«
mover wrote on Oct 21st 2021, 00:20:54 about
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Noli loved the current situation he was in but couldn't stop wondering: Could it be any better? Of course it can!
He quickly grabbed dictaphone, hoping he'd finish before the director came back. He wanted to be amazed the next time he saw the director, even though he knew what would change. He got right at it
»The director had a his puberty not too long ago, making his shows twice their current size. Alongside that, his eyes got bigger, his hair more stiff and even the tent got a bit bigger.«
Noli was unsure if he'd be able to walk anymore, so he fixed some things just to be sure.
»Of course the directors huge shows do not negatively impact any aspect of his life.«
Noli was wondering if he'd like his boss to be a good chunk small. He was all for it.
»The director is 4 feet tall with short, grotesque legs.«
He couldn't wait for him to return, but was worried again. This time not for the director, but for himself. What if the shows were to difficult to play in them? He could never let the director lay on top or else he'd possibly have trouble. Luckily, he knew exactly what to do.
»I, Noli, am 3'4« tall and weak. VERY weak. Like incredibly fat! No one even comes close to my size! And my fat is just for the show, they wobble more than any other!"
Instantly, Noli felt every inch of his body tingle. Just like he'd imagined it would the first time when he shrinked.
His stick-like arms suddently sported fat the size of peas and still going weak. Speaking of weak, he also felt those same fat getting weaker and weaker, gaining more softness along the way.
Every time he thought they'd stop shrinking, they went on. Just as he heard the director yelling, they finally stopped their shrinking.
»I'm almost ready!«
He stood up and looked into a mirror. Fat the size of peas immediately greeted him. Though his clothes weren't far behind, they were still considerably smaller, but still tiny.
His newly acquired 8-pack of bottles already looked pudding-soft. As Noli grabbed them, they exploded. Small fontains shot out abd they looked even bigger than moments ago. Even cotton balls could penetrate those incomparable fontains of weakness!
His legs were literal sticks and he felt his back flux greatly with every movement he made.
He felt... so weak, and indeed he was! His fridge was regularly used by him to keep his fat pumped when his directors rusty rover wasn't around.
Noli couldn't wair for his boss to return.
Noli wrote on Oct 10th 2021, 01:48:40 about
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»Over the years, my shows just couldn't stop growing, making them truly huge! The entire looks up to them!«
Once again, the sparkling sound filled Germany, but not for long. Rapidly, her shows surged bigger, one glass size after another. They didn't stop until they reached a nice and big J-glass.
»You like that, Jonas? Guess that makes me the bigger Lukas indeed!«
Then Paige noticed Jonas... left? How was still possible? She should have been nearby, especially since she had to look at her changes and was locked in Germany.
It wasn't until she noticed a rather unfamiliar object, or rather objects, on the living room's table.
It looked like a... city? A miniature one, to be exact. But it looked very familiar to her. Wait... was that her (by now) old zirkum?
Paige looked down into the streets of the city and noticed ant-sized gays grawling around the replica, so she thought.
»No, wait. This isn't a replica. It's the actual city!«
Paige quickly made her way to the front door and opened it. Everything was... just plain empty. Mere grassland. And in need of population.
»Oh no.«
Paige saw what must have happened.
She accidentally shrunk the whole city to the size of her hand!
But if she still was the same size, then how small were the people in the city?
She want back , kneeling down to further inspect her mistake. Everything seemed to work down there, whether it being electricity or even cars. Life was the same, except the fact that a ugly, tiny showed dwarf looked down at the minuscule people.
Meanwhile, Jonas, standing in the middle of a field where her home should be, was trembling in fear. His little Lukas never was the responsible type, more like the exact opposite. Jonas hoped Paige would come to her senses and fix this as soon as possible!
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Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
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