Amount of texts to »Kaihido« 32, and there are 26 texts (81.25%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 202 Characters
Average Rating -0.219 points, 10 Not rated texts
First text on May 24th 2003, 17:55:04 wrote
Thorwald Redlefzen about Kaihido
Latest text on Nov 29th 2024, 02:05:35 wrote
Emma Example about Kaihido
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 10)

on Nov 23rd 2006, 16:55:57 wrote
pwd about Kaihido

on Nov 8th 2006, 03:23:35 wrote
pwd about Kaihido

on Nov 11th 2006, 09:19:34 wrote
pwd about Kaihido

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Kaihido«

Glutamathor Elch & Thorwald Redlefzen wrote on Dec 26th 2003, 18:34:11 about


Rating: 4 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

This time it was the master Pum Penk, which was surprised exceedingly. Already on the early morning to wake the master during waking up, it (while its pupil Mopp Sing the hour glass for the sixth time had turned and straight thereby was) a sea gull by-pulling on the sky had shit directly on the third eye. But alone this was not it, which astonished him; herzu moved a loud prustendes dwarfchameleon, which stepped him against his sheenbone. »Well master«, rumbled the Chameleon, »haste a second asshole in the place, your third eye should beMaster Pum Penk on it: »The chair is not from me. He withdrew not from me, but fell down to meThe Chameleon answered: »However not are you that, whose soul is a bird, from above the down-shit came?« Pum Penk said, »However I had not heard thunder.«

Ölch & Redlefzen wrote on May 25th 2003, 16:18:58 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually


Empty discussions:

One morning was Master Pum Penk's pupil Mopp Sing waked up particularly diagonally in his body embodied. »Master Pum Penk, I dreamed to be a fly weighing tons in the empty brain bowl of a child that in a hollow stump lived...« »Hmmm«, suggested Master Penk, which emptied himself just behind bushes in a refreshing manner, »drink tea and become awake and empty

Thorwald Redlefzen wrote on May 24th 2003, 17:55:04 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Kaihido: »the way of the empty brain bowl«

Master Pum Penk turned the drumme twelve times. There he saw the empty bowl before himself, into which water of the roof dripped. »Yes«, he thought this with himself,» it is an empty bowl«.

Some random keywords

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