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Texts to »Kraut«
julianne wrote on Apr 12th 2000, 06:37:10 about
Rating: 2 point(s) |
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In the U.S. we have a delicious sandwich called a »Reuben.« You may have eaten one yourself. Unfortunately we've had to give up the usual filling, corned beef because we're either living lower on the food chain, or worried about mad cow disease and the usual bread is suspect because of all the genetically tweaked grains sloshing around here. Now I make my Reubens with turkey meat on bread made from organic flour, but it doesn't taste quite right. At least the sauerkraut and the dressing are still the same as ever.
Some random keywords |
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Created on Feb 9th 2001, 23:00:07 by lil monkey, contains 7 texts
Created on Mar 9th 2001, 15:02:18 by the old pirate, contains 13 texts
Created on Aug 7th 2003, 01:46:51 by Greg, contains 19 texts
Created on Apr 22nd 2001, 08:55:36 by anna, contains 16 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Jun 18th 2002, 01:43:41 by Concertina, contains 9 texts
Created on Mar 18th 2008, 15:12:33 by Hanno Nühm, contains 15 texts
Created on Jan 28th 2002, 12:12:08 by FlipFIP, contains 40 texts
Created on Feb 15th 2025, 09:56:26 by schmidt, contains 1 texts