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on Aug 16th 2024, 19:22:39, Emma Example wrote the following about



You are invited to view a series of transformative mini-courses led by 12 successful women who have walked this very path and are here to light the way.

We_re all burnt out of the quick-fix glamour solutions in business. If you_re longing for a solid plan that is aligned with your truth and with the welfare of the collective, then The Mystic Biz Summit is the collection of your solopreneur dreams.

This collection of online courses will provide you with the vision, strategy, and passion needed to kickstart your path toward establishing a successful business in every sense of the word.

My fellow teachers also included in this summit are incredibly impressive women who have developed high-revenue businesses, made bold moves in accordance with their truth, and navigated their path through the noise to make a difference with their work.

Through compelling short video lessons, practical exercises, guided meditations, tools, AND 5 bonus resources, you_ll be equipped for success in today_s dynamic digital landscape.

We are convinced that there is no ONE WAY to the good stuff.

The key lies in finding YOUR way and honoring that fully, then utilizing strategies and time-tested methods to support you along the way.

Join us for The Mystic Biz Summit: https://dub.sh/mystic-summit

Warm regards,
Rachel Leedom

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