Amount of texts to »dark« 25, and there are 24 texts (96.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 115 Characters
Average Rating 7.840 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Dec 26th 2000, 18:29:55 wrote
i about dark
Latest text on Apr 26th 2008, 21:35:56 wrote
Emma Example about dark
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Dark«

stormvogel wrote on Aug 31st 2002, 19:59:47 about


Rating: 21 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

On September eleventh in the year 2001 life was getting dark for many people in the world. Attacking the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center was a crime against humanity, and the day when it happened became a dark-black day in the history of the United States of America.

Groschen wrote on Aug 9th 2001, 11:29:02 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Which do you prefer: dark or milk chocolate?

David wrote on Mar 31st 2001, 11:02:03 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Absence of light-the suffocation of enlightenment.

C^ari wrote on Mar 2nd 2001, 06:12:48 about


Rating: 24 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I know now that I do not need to fear the dark dreams. There always comes a brilliant burst of light, filling the universe of my eyes.

Or else the zing of lightning along my nerves.

And in the tensions, I learn new structures, new castles, new palaces.

And they are not in the air, but in my flesh.

Sanhodo VII wrote on Apr 2nd 2001, 02:44:58 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Dark enough, o prince, for your blue bedazzled eyes the moon alone in bleak and blackened skies.

lil monkey wrote on Feb 9th 2001, 22:51:40 about


Rating: 8 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Please turn off the lights. It's much too bright. Try a candle – a tealight! The dark is softer and will help you more than a flourescent scream.

elfboi wrote on Jun 18th 2002, 16:58:27 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I used to fear the dark when I was a child, which is quite odd because I like it very much now. Well, must be because I'm gothic...

whatevernext96 wrote on Jan 16th 2002, 17:38:06 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The darker the night, the better it is to see the stars (bon mot from a frustrated city dweller).

i wrote on Dec 26th 2000, 18:29:55 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Dark night is soft and tender and makes me smile.

Some random keywords

Created on Jan 5th 2008, 20:29:55 by Sonja, contains 4 texts

Created on Oct 22nd 2001, 10:36:38 by wigbomb, contains 9 texts

Created on Feb 17th 2004, 02:02:55 by rkcba, contains 5 texts

Created on Sep 5th 2018, 23:19:50 by purplesage, contains 1 texts

Created on Jun 12th 2001, 22:23:42 by DarkFaerie, contains 6 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Nov 20th 2005, 10:36:35 by PIA, contains 4 texts

Created on Jul 3rd 2002, 02:49:11 by Mechanical Boy, contains 4 texts

Created on Nov 5th 2001, 20:46:31 by ZDF, contains 11 texts

Created on May 6th 2007, 21:57:41 by Bob , contains 8 texts

Created on Apr 20th 2017, 09:12:01 by Bettina Beispiel, contains 16 texts

Created on Nov 3rd 2009, 13:27:23 by mcnep, contains 4 texts

Created on Sep 21st 2017, 12:59:29 by ich sagte voilą! und, contains 1 texts

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