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on Sep 26th 2001, 11:13:28, cowgirl wrote the following about





We've got plenty poems here at the BAR-D, and down below we list them all alphabetically by poet's name.

If you want to see which poems arein the current update mosey over to the alphabetical list of Folks' Poems.

Around the site poems are grouped in this way:

* Folks' Poems are all the poems submitted by folks, most entered in the Lariat Laureate Contest.  

* Honored Guests are some oustandin' poets who have honored us with a few of their poems.  Honored Guests don't compete in the contest.

* Guests don't compete, by their own request.

* We have Classic Cowboy Poetry by original cowboy poets from way back.

* And of course, Omar West has his poetry since the BAR-D is his spread after allHe has a current poem and a shed of past poems.


By the way, every time we put somethin' new on the site, you can know about itJust subscribe to our CowboyPoetry.com News (it's free, and that's somethin' that's vanishin' faster than buffalo).

Got somethin' on your mind?   Give us a holler.


Index of Poems
alphabetical by author

(If you want to see which poems arein the current update
mosey over to the list of Folks' Poems.)

The Eloy, Arizona Write 'em Cowboy finalists are here.

A-C   D-F   G-I   J-L   M-O   P-R    S-U   V-Z


A – B – C


Laura Aden
Sands Revisited
The Apache Trail

Jane Aherne
The Man

Karen Alexander
Cowdog Blues

Charlotte Allgood-McCoy
The Arizona Man
Facing the Heat
Rodeo and Me
The Speckled Pup

Rose Mary Allmendinger
All Ya Gotta do is Whinny!
Cowboy Culture
Mistress MOOOO!
Nuts, Cactus & Cans
Money Pit . . .
»Public«  . . . »Person«
Remember Windy
There Was an Ol' Cowboy Who Lived in a Boot
Those Were the Days
TIMELESS . . . Keepsake!
When the Old Yella Bus Comes Down the Lane ....
WHO Holds the Reins

Jim R. Anderson
The Great Circle
Horse Time
The New Bull

Jason Avants
Ya Got It To Do

»Australie« (Mrs. Heron; Emily Manning)
The Muster

Jim Babb
Partners on the Trail
Yondering in My Mind

Jennifer Bain
Cowboy Heaven

Spur Baker
I've Got Me a Cow Dog Now

Rose Bardin
A Cowboy's Dream
The Cowgirl Way
Daddy's Little Cowboy Girl

Bill Barr
Campfire Therapy
Diggin' Wells
Having a Band-Aid Day
If I Die Tomorrow
Jingle-bob Sunday
Talking Guns

Donna Bartholomew
Wild and Western
Rodeo Wife

Floyd E. »Slim« Beard
Cowboy Faith
A Cowboy is All I Ever Want to Be
A Talk on the Rim
A Windmill's Song

Robert Beene
How Long Will the Cowboy Last

Cody Bell
The Dying Breed
What Makes a Cowboy?

Virginia Bennett
All That is Left
I Like to Think I Know
Nature Lessons
On the Brink of Forever
Songs on the Nightwind
Such Control
Tapestry of Knots
Uncle Lou
The West Had Its Way With Me

Sidney M. »Sid« Benson
Rodeo Dance
Whiskey Bill
A Bare Facts Situation

Bryce Berg
see Dusty Grange 

Flavis Bertrand
The Homesteader
The Old Empty House
The Prairies

Risky Betts
The Conversation
First Try
Good Preparation
The Rich and Wealthy Shoer
Some, Other, Poem

Dan Blair
Emma's Sign
The Farmer's Daughter 
Hey, Ol' Woman
Origin of a Good Cowboy
The Psychic Reader
A Red Man's Song of »Seasons« Greetings
Silver Slippers – Crystal Heels
Spirit Horse
The Wanted Man
White Skin, Red Heart
Yankee Raised & Cowboy

Tony Blisard
The Bull Rider
Cattleyard Cowboy
Cutting Hay
First Kiss
First Performance
A Go To the Gates
My Old Hat
The Round Pen
Stormy Nights
Suite Kitten

Paul Bliss
The Bust
Cowboy Poetry in Motion
The Ranch
Where Love Flowers Grow
Where's Old Doug

Barbara Bockelman
Black Sunday
The Cattle Killing
A Dear Departed Friend
Making Do
Okie Lady
Old Gritty and Green
Ranch Delicacy
The Sod House
The Sorrel and the Gray
You and Me

Terry M. Bowers (see Shutzen)

Doug Brewer
Pony Eggs

Cowboys in the Mist
A Cowboy's Way
Death of a Cowgirl
It's Not the Cowboy Hat
A True Cowboy

Ron Brinegar
The Graduate
The Sixteen Dollar Bill
Tell Me 'Bout the Good Ole Days
When You Need A Friend

E. A. Brininstool
The Bunkhouse Boys
The Country to the West
Remarks by »Bronco Bob«
The West
A Westerner

Barb Brown
Having a Heeler Christmas

Corey Brown
The Cattle Drive

Darrin L. Broyhill
The Desert Rose
True Cowboy

Scott Hill Bumgardner
The Lady in Black
A Time to Thaw
Wobbly Leg

Kara Bunker
The Dream
Johnny Walker
The Toughest Gentleman

Debbie Burdic
Dad and the Sheriff's Posse
The Possum Kingdom Robbery
The Rat Pack Mine
A Tall Tale

Lanny Joe Burnett
Going to See the Elephant
Living Almost Free
Something's Missing

Gail T. Burton
Bunkhouse Christmas Eve
A Cowboy's Christmas Prayer
Cowboy Dreams
Ganted Down
Passin' Through

Dave Busselle

Barry Butler
The One that Got Away
Y2K Compliant Complacent Complaint

Marc Buxman

Rusty Calhoun
The Appaloosa
Barbed Wire
The Butterfield Stagecoach Stop Elegy
Childhood's End (for Dale Evans)
Christmas Eve White-Out
Cookies Christmas Puddin’
Cowboy Hats
Cowboy Love
Dancin' on My Toes
Diamond, Black as Night
Grey Eagle
The Photo Album
Ranch Music
When The Animals Talk
When the Cowgirl's Heart Broke
Where Colorado Mountains Touch the Sky

T. J. Cantin
I Was Raised
Jingle Bob
Not Without A Fight
The Story of a Cowboy

Louis A. Carle**
3AM Night Herd
Backward Boots
Grandpa! Watch Your Language
The Making of a Friend
Winter of Life
Winter Wheels of Yesteryear

Clara Caufield
The Initiation of a Pot Licker

Jesus Cervantes
I Seen John Wayne

Arthur Chapman
The Bunkhouse
The Cowboy's Homing
The High-Heeled Boots
The Dude Ranch
The Meeting
The Old Dutch Oven
The Old-Timer
Out Among the Big Things
Out Where the West Begins
Pete’s Error

Janice Chapman
Cattle Moving Day
Curse the Winter Ride
The Hard-Core Man
His Little Cowboy Boots
The Little Cowpoke
My Horse Champion
Our Friend Went Home (tribute to Louis A. Carle)
Quick Sand
The Old Cowboy
The Stallion
With Clouds Hung Low

Mickee Cheek
Except That
Sandhills Seasons

Badger Clark
A Bad Half Hour
A Cowboy's Prayer (Written for Mother)
The Glory Trail (High-Chin Bob)
The Piano at Red's
The Westerner

Darryl Clark  
The Canyon
I Rode for the Bear Sign
Palo Duro
The Storyteller

Jim Clendenen
Ole John

Bobby Cohoon
Bury Me Not
The Flag Pole
Gentleman Jim
Last Letter Home
Roses are Red

Elizabeth Cole
Here's Lookin' at You Cowboy Blue

Peggy Coleman
The Ride

Steve Collins
Uncompahgre Spring

John A. »Ringo« Cook
A Boy's Dream
Ridin Fence

Nathan Cornell
End of the Day

Brittany Cornett
A Cowboy's Life
My Rope's Pulled Tight

Michael H. Cotton
C. C. (Bull) Rider

Barney A. Coulter
Establo Endeble

Barbra Jo Crancer
A Cowboy's Arms

Carroll Crispin
Old Red the Outlaw Horse

Jenn Crundwell
Cowgirl's Lament
The Cowboy's Rose
The Farmer's Wife
His Daughter's Rain
The Horse We Bought for Dad
The Horseman
She Used to be a Cowgirl
A Tribute to Dad

D – E – F

Jami D.
A Cowboy Sweetheart

David J. Dague
Backward R Double Bar D
Belgians, Mules, and Morgans
The Cattle Kingdom
Desert Spread
Deformed, Reformed Cowboy
Dormants and Hibernationists
El Diablo Rojo
How to Write a Poem in Cowboy
I'd Give My Right Arm to be . . . Ambidextrous
Ode to Mike McGinty

Travis Dale
My Ol' Hat
Ol' Feather
The Operation
Simple Life
Two Man Job

Louise Davis
The Old Cowboy Hat

John Day
The Cowboy

Gina Dean
A Lone Wolf

Graham Dean
Blue Denim
The Dying Breed; an essay about the Australian »Cowboy«
I Have Seen the Land
The Pain of Leaving
A Thousand Dreams
To May-belle

Louise K. Dean
Just a Dance

Randall B. Dean
shorty and the mule

Ronald J. DeSantis
The Cowboy Way
The End of the Trail
The Old Cowboy and the Young Buckaroo

Jan Derrick
One True Friend
The Steer He Did Break
The Fence

Mike Diehl
The Legion of Marshall Bill

David Dill
Cattle Drive
The End
Gray Quarter Horses
John Payne

Steve Dirksen
Across the Plains
Bill's Show
Bob's Hat
A Cowboy Needs
Get Back Mr. Black
I've Cussed
Night Class
An Old Hand
On the Go
Short a Few
The Singing Cowboy

Buckshot Dot (Dee Strickland Johnson)
The Big Spread
Cowboy Goes A-Courtin
Dancing With Dad 
Dining Out
Maverick Love Affair
The Roan and the Pontiac
Sad Day for Trail Dust (tribute to Mason Coggin)

Larry H. Dudley
The Bill

Bette Wolf Duncan 
The Bullrider
Cattle Country Trilogy:
  The Sweat Belongs T' Me
  Mad Dog Mean
  Tom and Me
Free as the Wild River Rapids
Like it Fine Down Here
One Night in the Rodeo Bar
The Red Lodge Rodeo
Shaney Ridge
Thunder on the Prairie
Wanted, Living or Dead

Diane Durrill
Each Line
Grandpa's Shrine
The Last Big Ride
Unique Mule for Sale

Danny W. Dutton

Johnny D. Eaton
Barefoot Cowboy
Billy and the Devil
Billy Brown
The Buffalo
Death of a Cowboy
Lonely are the Brave
Missouri Cowboy
Rodeo Star
Shorty's Last Ride
Triple Three

T. C. Edington
Tribute to Louis L'Amour

Richard Elloyan
The Virtual Cowboy
The Windmill Man

G. Don Ensminger
As Long as I Live Up in These Hills
I'm a Better Man Boss
Ranches of Walden
Witches in the Valley of the Sun

K. T. Etling
Angels in the Desert
Culture Shock
The Endless Purple Sage
The Road Beyond
Rudolph Was an Outlaw
Rufus, Ridin' Point
Santa Drives a Cutter
Should'a Been Here Yesterday
Temporary Insanity
Today He'd Be a Cowboy

JD Evans
Dangerous Dan
One Man Alone
Penny Candy

Pete Evanson
Bunkhouse Boys
A Hard Life in the High Country
Little Cowboys
The Odyssey
Ol' Slim
Rocky Mountain Cowboy
Sundown at Tulsa

Lonnie R. Faubion
The Old Man and the Mule

Dan Faught
Bankin with an Old Cowboy

Jimmie Feazell
Old Cowboys

Jody Fergerstrom
The Horseman and the Cowboy

Sherrod L. Fielden
Bill Aldrich of Muleshoe, Texas
The Cowboy Way
Cowboy's Vision
The Greenhorn

John B. Fincher
Cowboy Part

Jim Fish
The Ride

Mike Flood
Cowboy Life

Gordon Florence
The Badger Ropin'

Justin Flowers
Old Cowboy Memories

George Foy
I Hear a Guitar

French Camp Red (aka Brad Smith)
December Ride
The Dog Swamp Stranger
Earl's Back from Elko
Eternal Reward
Earl Gits Mad
The Pickle Jar
The Wedding

Vaughn Fritts
Black Bart

G – H – I

Dennis Gaines 
Bungee Buckaroo
The Centaur's Better Half
A Difference Point of View
Jim Quarternight's Gift
The Journey of Three-Fingered Jake
A Saddle and a Dream
To a Friend
Trouble's a Bruin
Ty Murray, Eat Your Heart Out

Bobbie Gallup
Beartooth Blizzard
Blizzard Calf
The Demise
Drive A Little Faster
Fighters and Fools
Moose Amok
Rustler's Requiem
The Snow Seems Awful Early
Three Kinds of Men
Yellow Shelf Elf

Sean Garcia

Gail Gardner
The Sierry Petes (or Tying Knots in the Devil's Tail)

Davey Lee George (see McCloud)

Robert George
One Pair of Twos
Tombstone Shuffle
Waycross Saloon

Suzanne George
A Barrel Racer's Husband's Lament

Dan Giallombardo
Seven untitled poems
The Stranger

Bill Gibson
Big Bend

Kay Gibson
Cricket Band
Ghost Town
Gopher Holes
Rain Crow

Shannon Gibson
Texas Red

Janice Gilbertson
How Can We Lose?
Line Dance Lesson
Me and Ruby and the Hill
Mean Mama
Miracle in the Night
Weather Report

Molly K. Gilmore
His Saddle in the Hall
Just Like My Dad

Rudy Gonzales
Rudy's Handlebar Moustache
Big Jim
Poetic Justice
Sometimes You Just Can't Please 'em

Kathy S. and Phil Grady
Cowboy Spirit
Desert Saloons
Horse's Eulogy
Legend of Thompson Cattle
The Ride
Texas Longhorn
Texas Red
White Man's Way

Tim Graham
The Wedding Day

Dusty Grange
(aka Bryce Berg)
The Devil
The Horse Trader
Mare on the Wall
The New Cuttin' Horse
Sam Teigan
Today's Cowboy Poet

Richard Green
The Legend of Cattail Ernie

Don Gregory
Billy Takes a Stand
Mustang Pete
She Tied Her Hearts to Tumbleweeds
Texas, to St. Paul

B. J. Griffin
My Cowboys

Jay Grooters
The Perfume
The Ride

»Wild Bill« Halbert
At Tha Gates o' Hell
Candy 'n tha Hell's Angel
Candy Wuzza Dandy
Runnin' Fer'is Life
When I Die

Mae Haney
Buffalo Ladder

Joshua Harling
The Real Ringers

Diane Harper
The Daydream
Midnight Cowboy
The New Pup

Bret Harte 
Cicely (Alkali Station)
The Old Campfire
A Question of Privilege
The Spelling Bee at Angels

Lynn Harwell
Bear Tale
The Dry Side
Storm on Route 66

Paul Harwitz 
Cooking Buffalo With Julia
The Cowboy and The Dream Girl
A Cowboy Needs Wide Open Spaces
Cowboy Troy
Foaling Season
The Gallant Stallion
I'm Just a Young Cowboy
I Saw an Angel Out on the Range
Ride for the Brand
The SOL Ranch
There are No Fences in Heaven
Whirlwind Romance

»Doc« Dale Hayes
Accuracy in the Medium
Blowing Snow
A Gift for Mary Lou
Like Water and the Duck's Back
Short Cut
The Modern Day Value of the Tom Mix Ranch
The Woman's Side of the Story

Dolly Heiss
Log Cabin

Rex Henderson
Cowboy Jed
A Kindred Spirit

Lynne Hendrickson
From Hell to Heart
The Saddle at the Gate

Michael Henley
The Guide
I Won't Tip My Hat

Jeff Hildebrandt
Sermon on the Mount

Debra Coppinger Hill 
12 Days of Cowboy Christmas
Barn Therapy
Best Ride I Ever Had
Buffalo Dance
Dirt Road
The Edge
Melancholy Cowboy
The Money for Her Diamond
New Mexico
The Stranger
The Stud?
The Truth
Waiting for the Light
Wild Stickhorse Remuda
Yellow Slicker

David Hodges
Are They Gone for Good?

Lew Hofmann
The Old Homestead

Pamela R. Hoge
Rust in Peace 

Allan Horton
Brothers at Heart
A Wreck of a Day

Brett O. Hotchkiss
I Wanna Be a Cowboy

Rusty Hudelson

Bob Hunt
Our Little Ranch

Jana Hunter
Dancin' with My Dreams

Chester Hupp
The Close Up
The Cowpoke

S E. (Stanley) Hutchinson
The Lesson
Line Shack

Margo Imes
The Good Mother
The Life of a Cowboy
Mi Amigo

Brad »Lucky« Irish
The Cowboy

J – K – L

Sam A. Jackson
Becky 'O
A Cowboy Poem
Cowboy Poetry Competition
Midnight on the Kaibab
Ol' Taupe
Poetic Stimulation
Reel vs Real Cowboys

Rebecca Jahn
The Settlers

Billy James
Burned Hide
Conversation with an Ant
A Cowboy's Biggest Fear
Cowboy Dreams
My Roots
My Wife
The Plight of the Mustang
Running Circles
Who's There?

Judd A. Jenkins
Keep the Fire Burnin'

Jim John (Kansas Jim)
Alone on the Prairie
A Cowboy Blessing
The Greatest Battle the West Has Ever Seen
The Horse
A Real Cowboy!
A Tallgrass Prairie Christmas

Dee Strickland Johnson (see Buckshot Dot) 

Judith E. »JJ« Johnston
39 Years of Tradition
Rancher's Wife

John D. (Jay) Jones
The Compliment
The Cowboy and the Camel
The Horse Whisperer
Katie's Kiss
The Mouthpiece
Old Charley
Recalling the Rhyme
Rodeo Clown

Missy Jones
A Plains Christmas

Thomas Vaughan »Melancholy« Jones
The Bank Robber
Dancing, Country Style
The Immigrants, 1858
The Last Drive
The Legend of the Lost
Mountain Man
The Phantom Horseman
Ruckus at Rhyme Central
Streets of Laredo
Taking an Amendment

Dan Kantak  
A Cowboy is a Man Who Likes His Spaces Wide
The Great Divide

Mary A. Gallagher Kaufman
Are There Horses in Heaven?
Saddle Fever

Mike Keenan
The Cowboys and the Important Poet
Jackson:  First Snow

David Kelley
An Old Cowboy's Time (Tribute to Bob E. Lewis)
The Bear Facts
Bigger than Ever
The Burial of Ol' John 
Chili Ain't Got No Beans!
Cowboy Reflections
A Cowboy's Breakfast
A Cowboy's First Love
Dad's Trail
The Day Parson Pickle Baptized the Bear
The Day Strawberry Was Shod
The Great One Refills the Clouds
King David
Looking Down on Eagles
Louie (Tribute to  Louis A. Carle)
My Cowboy's Night Before Christmas
The Storm
Trails End

Kate Kenin
Midnight Moon

Linda Kirkpatrick
Be My Valentine
Cathay Williams
The Christmas Story
McLaurin Massacre
Mary Ann's Legacy
My Cowgirl Life
The Saga of Lucy Murdock
The Vaquero's Goodbye

Jo Lynne Kirkwood
A Cowboy Season
Chub’s Christmas Visit 
The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm
El Niño Navidad
Ida's Bread
Kanab:  Requiem
The Last Round-up
Lessons in Love
Merle's Opus
Mornin' at the Post
The Mutilation of ‘Renzo (with castratin’ tongs)
Owen's Mare
The Railhead

Bruce Kiskaddon
The Balky Horse
The Broncho Twister's Prayer
Drinkin' Water
The Duel
How a Cowpuncher Rode
Judgment Day
Pullin' Leather
That Letter

Jim Kitchens
A Cowboy's Hat
The Day That Tuff Just Came to Ride
The Later Years
The Trap Door Suit

Ryan Krantz
Barrel Racers
The Gumsull
Times Change

William F. »Wild Bill« Lane

Shannon Langevin
Painting the Heavens

L. M. Larson
The Bull Ride
The Day of the Cowboy
My Sweet Beth
Ridin' Herd
The Spooky Ol' Mare

Nikki Law
We Were All There

S. Lane Law
Texas Clover

Charlie Lee
The Pasture Fence
The Richest Cowboy

Eric Lee
Arizona Girl
Just Another Calf
Things a Cowboy Knows
Where the Cowboy Don't Ride Nowhere
While There's Cattle
The Wildest Bronc

Nicole Legerski

Bob E. Lewis
The Boss's New Cowhorse
Christmas on the Rafter-L Ranch
Cowboy Poetry
The Cowboy's Christmas Ball
King of the Cowboys
Little Old Sod Shanty On My Claim
Moving Day
Old Satan
Rough-Out Boots
The Sour Dough Crock

Chad Lipman
Ode to an Unck

Alan Little
Run Wild, Run Free

Bert Lloyd
The Buffalo Men
The Comanche
It's Finished (Suvate)
Saga of Prairie and Plain

Ron Loof
The Last of the Herd
The Old Cowboy

Janice Loving
Lily My Love

Kathy Luft
Into the Wind

Tracy Lyon
A Roper's Star

M – N – O

McCloud (aka Davey Lee George)
30 and Found
Arlyne's gi'tar
Big Roan
A Christmas Story
Cowboy in Love
Cowboy's Way
A Cowboy's Way
Damned Cows!
Dangerous Trail
Dark Trail
Getting Home
Going to Tucson
Going West
He Wolf
Hoss and Rider
Hoss fer Sail
John McCloud, foreman
Keepin' Honest
Mean Hoss
Morning on the Trail
Mountain Storm
The Newfoundlander and the Bull
Night Thoughts
Nighttime Desert
Ol' Mike
Old Timer
The Pinto Mare
Prairie Fire
Range Rider
Riding in the Rain
Rodeo Rider
A Small Miracle
The Three Year Old

Don McCrary
Bull Rider's Prayer
The Death's Head Bull
My First Love

William Donald McCrary
The Riders

Ben McKenzie 
Another Old Cowboy Has Died
Barb Wire
Christmas at McCreaty's
The Drifter
Grandma and the Cowboy
Make Mine a Cowgirl

Theresa Lee MacLachlan
Cowboy Angel
Coyote Bill

Mark McMillan
The Gold Rush Trail
Haulin' Cattle
Hayin' in the Cariboo
If I'd a

Wallace McRae
Boot Shoppin'
Malcolm and the Stranglers

Denise McRea
Empty Houses
Ranch Wife's Resume

Ken Madden
I'm An Indian As Old

Howard D. Mallison
A Glance Back

Lucy Jiron Maltby
The Pickled Cows of Pojoaque

Roan Marshall (aka Kelly Schuermann)
That Darn City Girl

Dan Martin
The Desert
Ridin the Wind

Rick Martinez
Last Prayer
The Newborn
The Storm

Tim R. »Doc« Mason
The Bull Ride
Educated Cowboy
Life Goes On
Panhandle Wind
The Ostrich and the Cowboys

Jean Mathisen
Half-Pint Cowboy
His Roots
Sam's Remedy
Two of a Kind

Mary Bursell Maupin
Broomstick Cowboy
A Cowboy's Vision
Fowl Land Development
Government Help Wanted
Home Alone
The New Mechanical Age
Nighthawk Cowboy
The Patent Leather Sheriff
Peculiar Characters
The Rebellious Ostriches
The Rim of August
Tales of the Plains
Stage Flight #1993
Stumpy Joe's Sow

Mark Maynard
The New Hand

Gary Wm. Midge
Ballad of the Badlands
Espresso Blues
The Old Homeplace
The Stranger

Joaquin Miller 
Midnight Pencillings

Rod Miller  
Cowboy Defined
Cowboy Trail
Bad Road
The Bottom Line
The E. S. L. Ranch
Gone to Town
A Guide to Ranching for the Politically Correct
The July 20, 1999 Tranquility Base Stampede and Rodeo
Landing Gear
Leaning the Ropes
Red Meat
Wasted Time
Womb to Tomb (for Marlowe)

Bonnie Mills
A Nebraska Morn

Kendra Minger
Being a Cowboy

Sig Mischnick
New Way

Waddie Mitchell
Story with a Moral

Janice Mitich
Cat Fishin'
The Coggin's Test (for Mason Coggin)
A Cowboy's Opus
Leadin' the Way
Queen of the West (for Dale Evans)
A Rancher's Wife
Where Do We Go From Here?

J. D. Moor
Cowboy's Day

Kristen Moore
I Pull on My Wranglers Size 10

Frank »Two Jump« Morris
The Real Gallopin' Gourmet

Jane Morton
Grandma's Roses
His Tractor

R. J. (Dick) Morton 
City Kid

A. Kathy Moss
Day's End
Of Grace and Grit
Songs Less Traveled

Nicole Murphey
The American Cowboy
The Faceoff

Tommy Joe Myers
I Never Knew a Clown Could Cry

j ames myth (James Edward Smyth)
A Blond In A Black Sombrero
Come Monday, New Mexico
Country to Cross
The Oldtimer's Song
A Quiet Kind Of Cowboy
Silver Spoon Saloon
To Each His Own

Jimmi Naylor
Reyes Clan
Sweet Thing

Wayne Naylor
The Heifer

Lee Neill
Cowboys and Country Boys

Jim »Mule Whisperer« Nelson

Jodi K. Nelson
A Cowgirl Like Me

Ted Nibourg
The Mother-in-law

Rod Nichols
Christmas Comes to Line Camp
Christmas Round the Campfire
Cowboy Heaven
A Cowboy's Letter
A Cowboy's Poem
Cowboy Poetry
The Cowboy Sailor
Faded LoveA Fine RomanceGrandpa's TaleHeadin' InIn God's HandsThe Last Cattle CarThe Line Camp CatLittle Bit of TexasLittle BritchesLouie (Tribute to  Louis A. Carle)New Year's EveOdie's BathPedernalesPoker NightRivers of TexasRomancin' the StoneRooster Salt Grass TrailA Sea of GrassStyleThe Thing Upon the TrailThoughtsThree GodfathersTo the Boys at Cutter Bill's BarTrail CookWindy
Danny NunnGhosts in a Cowboy's LifeThe Old Indian Chief
DanO'NeailLane Frost & Red Rock
Leon OverbayChildren's Christmas PlayThe Cross-Eyed BullThe Grave Digging
TiffanyOwensFresh Milk
P – Q – R
Jim»Cowboy Jim« PackardAlabaster FaceThe NightingaleOde to Jesse JamesRattlesnakes
ConstanceParkerOde to Joe
Ed ParrishThe Automatic RopeThe Christmas Ejection SaddleThe Dallas Nose-hair MutinyHang HimCircle FliesDropping Off
JimPaskieCowboy Dreamin'
Shad A. Pease The ChillChrist Died for Cowboys TooPanic in the PrivyPassin’ it DownPhantom GoldStampede
Ronda PetersThe FlySpirit of the CowboyWhen I Die
H. J.»Hoss« PetersonFreedom in the FlameA Prayer for Man and HorseWhy Do You Do It?
WendyPeterson The Beaver
RoyE. Phillips IVRodeo Bullfighter
CareyPitmanThe Bullrider's Prayer
Rick PittAngel of the WestBig AlA Cowboy IsCowboys RuleDaddy's EyesDallasHell's Half AcreOne Hell of a RideOutlaws and Saints
Verlin PittAn Acquired TasteA Class ActBig Jim McLaneDesert Rat A Friend in NeedA Good RideGrim for the ReaperThe Mule Whisperer RawhideTainted HoneyTurk Wiggin's Last SongWorlds Greatest Bullrider
TomPollardAhm a CowboyThe Cowboy's LamentThe Great Race
Bob PrinselaarFlying Lesson
Chris ProctorBarbed Wire
Ellen PudwillBranded
Mike PuhalloBawlin'Calves and Burnin' HairHome From Winter RangeOde to Robbie BurnsLouis Lebourdais, Smartest Man in the CaribooA Scene That's Best Unseen

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