Amount of texts to »datagarbage« 218, and there are 186 texts (85.32%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 4868 Characters
Average Rating -0.968 points, 9 Not rated texts
First text on Sep 9th 2002, 04:40:34 wrote
Daniel Arnold about datagarbage
Latest text on May 22nd 2008, 19:40:49 wrote
lem about datagarbage
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 9)

on Mar 31st 2008, 22:05:51 wrote
Bodelshwing about datagarbage

on Mar 30th 2008, 23:22:34 wrote
minnie about datagarbage

on May 9th 2007, 05:58:11 wrote
Emma Example about datagarbage

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Datagarbage«

Su Jefe wrote on Sep 21st 2003, 19:24:06 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

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Original English Text:
>send | >discuss | >create link
on Sep 21st 2003, 19:20:08, Su Jefe wrote the following about
Googlism for: datagarbage

Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about datagarbage yet.

Googlism for: data

data is that?
data is important
data is now sustainable measures
data is held
data is a cause for concern
data is beginning to stream in
data is key to
data is and why it matters
data is going dotty
data is invalid" error installing device drivers under windows
data is/data are
data is a database package
data is the question
data is generated
data is dirty
data is our concern
data is read by optical drives
data is relevant to dv motivation
data is now in the cards for on
data is too much?
data is ready
data is invalid" windows xp
data is
data is not decoded in filename
data is bad business
data is corrupt
data is job one
data is your
data is the
data is invalid
data is ds1 sending back?
data is only done
data is already there
data is fine
data is the artillery
data is it anyway?
data is king
data is more reliable
data is the key to
data is not all art
data is as sensitive as content data
data is collected
data is collected?
data is available?
data is that anyway?
data is together show
data is a full zip code database with city
data is needed in the framework of
data is as important as the freight itself
data is a recurren tc
data is in the bag
data is collected without any impact
data is held hostage
data is such a tricky business
data is a cause for concern glenn keller
data is beginning to stream in by lawrence pintak 01/04/01
data is appended
data is key to collaboration june 24
data is key to antiterrorism efforts oct
data is and why it matters by greg nash
data is going dotty tomorrow's world is turning printing into programs by bbc news online internet reporter mark
data is in the bag there's no doubt that airbags save lives in car crashes your car's airbag can easily
data is missing after conversion
data is less shaky improvements made in determining quake location
data is safe? by brian robison
data is invalid" error installing device drivers under windows xp
data is in
data is worse than others'
data is/data are article #334
data is from a newer version of quickbooks
data is a database package for use with hyperchem
data is generated by sanyo laser products
data is sometimes ready
data is too much? by stacy collett april 15
data is less shaky
data is invalid" windows xp
data is available? crops
data is the key for telecom carriers
data is not decoded in filename disposition
data is reliable? 7/22/1999
data is bad business ? ? ? analyzing customer data
data is corrupt"
data is job one salespeople often spout the ford motor company mantra
data is about facts
data is loaded
data is your own by peter judge zdnet
data is it
data is the key to performance budgeting
data is always at hand
data is the artillery by richard w
data is it anyway? by andrew cox
data is necessary
data is your business
data is here
data is already on the computer
data is more reliable than voice
data is the key to strong science and solid public policy
data is secured
data is as sensitive as content data alberto escudero pascual <alberto@it
data is available for user needs within a reasonable time period
data is accurately converted into statistical computer based information
data is collected? after an
data is available? tsp data there is a tsp
data is offered on web national election project is available for local races at dnet
data is too large
data is that anyway? by gregory peter panos
data is see
data is seven data files and 8 mb of raw marketing power
data is a leader in high quality consulting and training in erp
data is the application
data is sent across the net
data is gone
data is needed in the framework of the initiatives above mentioned
data is a recurren t c hallenge to statisticians engaged in biological and biomedical applications f or example data
data is in the bag from dot life
data is used
data is compiled
data is collected without any impact on the network by the measurement itself

Googlism for: garbage

garbage is piled higher and deeper at the annenberg/cpb
garbage is golden
garbage is garbage?
garbage is different on orcas
garbage is a job that requires military
garbage is another man's gold
garbage is expensive
garbage is another man?s trash?
garbage is fair punishment for dumping trash
garbage is off line
garbage is it anyway?
garbage is my bag
garbage is good for some people 4/
garbage is good for some people 04/
garbage is displayed when dbcs
garbage is garbage and art is child?s play
garbage is another's wardrobe
garbage is still
garbage is golden v3
garbage is not the answer
garbage is gold
garbage is worth money
garbage is big business
garbage is gathered immediately
garbage is here~~
garbage is full of dump the grass is full of green morning
garbage is good
garbage is piled higher and deeper at the annenberg/cpb projects washington
garbage is golden depuis le 4 janvier 2002
garbage is garbage? think again
garbage is different on orcas by ml lyke mail author seattle post
garbage is a job that requires military preparedness
garbage is not new
garbage is the way to go
garbage is the stuff we don't need anymore
garbage is stuff we don't want to see
garbage is being reused? yes
garbage is opening for nd?
garbage is beautiful the rock band garbage
garbage is currently off line at the moment and maybe for some time
garbage is it
garbage is my bag ss/tin #
garbage is good for some people
garbage is displayed when dbcs characters are used in a sas integration technologies server
garbage is garbage and art is child?s play unfortunate trends in campus conceptions of art and promising developments beyond the ivory towers by jake
garbage is garbage and art is child?s play unfortunate trends in campus conceptions of art and promising developments beyond the ivory towers
garbage is another's wardrobe a tech student goes in search of quality goods hidden among the aisles of atlanta's thrift and discount stores
garbage is coming to australia
garbage is back
garbage is another man?s gold
garbage is another's gold" how rainmakers adds value
garbage is seasonal
garbage is response stream
garbage is to be grouped into categories for the purposes of this record book as follows
garbage is another man's treasure
garbage is resource
garbage is clearly a worldwide phenomenon
garbage is still popping up
garbage is separated into burnable and not burnable and collected on different days
garbage is in
garbage is another man's art
garbage is the band vig has formed with his partner in the studio
garbage is what reaches most quickly beyond you and your customer
garbage is prohibited
garbage is just a pile of worthless matter and has nothing to do with our lives once it is out of our backyard
garbage is collected once a week
garbage is not picked up at all on the day it is supposed to be
garbage is pushed through her mail slot
garbage is often used to mean anything on your display
garbage is present some of these bears will investigate it
garbage is picked up on tuesday
garbage is full of dump the grass is full of green morning brings what the morning brings the cat would say if the cat could say nothing
garbage is perhaps the most pure and quintessential modern pop act there is
garbage is a science in this part of the world and you will not be able to learn it overnight
garbage is dumped and the pit is covered thus preventing the breeding of flies and rats
garbage is collected by timeouts; and 2
garbage is produced at a rate much lower than natural decomposition
garbage is collected except saturdays
garbage is your responsibility until it is collected
garbage is spiritual
garbage is by purchasing products with less packaging
garbage is not created equally
garbage is
garbage is by thoughtfully selecting products with no or minimal packaging when you shop
garbage is produced in our families
garbage is preventing your inner healing? you need to dump any or all of the following garbage of emotions
garbage is one of my favorite alternative bands out today
garbage is taken
garbage is an unavoidable byproduct of society
garbage is gross the picture was bleak
garbage is in sight
garbage is a full service design and production company
garbage is transferred here to a landfill owned and operated by israelis in the jordan valley
garbage is contributing to the problem
garbage is meant animal or vegetable refuse from the kitchen

user rating: / (103 points remaining)
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Translated to French:
>send | >discuss | le lien de >create le 2003 21 sept,
19:20:08, Su Jefe a écrit le suivant au sujet du datagarbage Googlism
pour : datagarbage

Désolé, Google ne sait pas asse'au sujet du datagarbage

Googlism pour : données

les données sont celle ? les données sont des données
importantes sont maintenant des mesures soutenables que les données
sont des données contenues sont des données de sujet d'inquiétude
commencent à couler dans les données sont principales aux données
sont et pourquoi elles importent les données sont des données
pointillées allantes sont invalid" ; l'erreur installant des
modules de gestion de périphérique sous des fenêtres que les
données is/data sont des données est des données de paquet de base
de données est les données de question est des données produites
est des données sales est nos données de souci est lue par les
commandes optiques les données sont appropriées aux données de
motivation de dv sont maintenant dans les cartes pour sur des données
sont trop ? les données sont des données prêtes sont invalid" ;
les données de windows.xp sont des données ne sont pas décodées
dans des données de nom de fichier sont de mauvaises données
commerciales sont des données corrompues sont des données du travail
un sont vos données sont les données sont des données inadmissibles
sont DS1 renvoyant ? les données sont seulement des données faites
sont déjà là des données sont des données fines sont les données
d'artillerie sont lui de toute façon ? les données sont roi que les
données sont des données plus fiables sont la clef aux données ne
sont pas toutes les données d'art sont aussi sensibles en As les
données de données de teneur sont des données rassemblées sont
rassemblées ? les données sont disponibles ? les données sont celle
de toute façon ? les données sont ensemble des données d'exposition
sont une pleine base de données de code postal avec des données de
ville sont nécessaires dans le cadre des données sont aussi
importantes que les données du fret lui-même sont a recurren des
données de comité technique sont dans les données de sac sont
rassemblées sans n'importe quelles données d'impact sont tenu en
otage que les données sont des données commerciales si rusées sont
des données de keller de glenn de sujet d'inquiétude commencent à
couler dedans par Laurent des données du pintak 01/04/01 est des
données apposées est principal aux données juin de 24 de
collaboration est principal aux efforts d'antiterrorism des données
d'oct. est et pourquoi il importe par des données de nash de greg est
monde de demain pointillé allant transforme l'impression en
programmes par le journaliste d'Internet de nouvelles de bbc en ligne
des données de marque est dans le sac là n'est aucun doute que les
sacs à air économiser les vies dans des données de bidon du sac à
air de votre voiture de voiture des accidents facilement est absent
après que les données de conversion soient des améliorations moins
précaires apportées en déterminant des données d'endroit de
tremblement soient sûres ? par le robison brian les données sont
invalid" ; l'erreur installant des modules de gestion de
périphérique sous des données de windows.xp est dans les données
est plus mauvaise que d'autres les données is/data sont des données
de l'article #334 sont d'une plus nouvelle version des quickbooks que
les données sont un paquet de base de données pour l'usage avec des
données de hyperchem sont produites par des produits de laser de
sanyo les données sont des données parfois prêtes sont trop ? en
avril 15 de collett de stacy les données sont des données moins
précaires sont invalid" ; les données de windows.xp sont
disponibles ? les données de récoltes sont la clef pour des porteurs
de télécommunication que des données ne sont pas décodées dans des
données de disposition de nom de fichier sont fiables ? 7/22/1999
donnée est de mauvaises affaires ? ? ? l'analyse des données de
données de client est corrupt" ; les données sont bec de
vendeurs du travail un souvent que les données de mantra de compagnie
de moteur de gué sont au sujet des données de faits sont des
données chargées sont votre propres par des données de zdnet de
juge de peter sont lui est-ce que données sont-elles la clef aux
données budgétaires d'exécution sont toujours des données
actuelles sont l'artillerie par des données de Richard W sont lui de
toute façon ? est-ce que par Andrew que les données de Cox sont des
données nécessaires sont-elles vos données commerciales sont-elles
ici des données sont-elles déjà sur les données d'ordinateur sont
plus fiables que les données de voix sont la clef à la science forte
et les données pleines d'ordre public sont des données fixées sont
aussi sensibles en As les données pascual de <alberto@it
d'escudero d'alberto de données de teneur sont disponibles pour
l'utilisateur les besoins dans des données de période de temps
raisonnable est exactement convertis en données sur ordinateur
statistiques de l'information est rassemblés ? après des données
est disponible ? les données de tsp il y a des données de tsp sont
offertes sur l'enchaînement le projet que national d'élection est
disponible pour les courses locales aux données de dnet est des
données trop grandes est celui de toute façon ? par des panos
gregory de peter que les données sont voyez que les données sont
sept fichiers de données et le mb 8 de données crues de puissance de
vente est un chef de haute qualité consultant et la formation dans
des données d'erp est les données d'application est envoyée à
travers les données nettes est des données allées est nécessaire
dans le cadre des initiatives les données mentionnées ci-dessus sont
a recurren le hallenge de t c aux statisticiens occupés dans
biologique et les applications biomédicales f ou les données de
données d'exemple est dans t

Translated back to English:
>send | >discuss | the bond of >create the 2003 21 seven, 19:20:08, Su Jefe wrote the following about the datagarbage Googlism for: datagarbage Afflicted, Google still does not know asse' about the datagarbage. Googlism for: are data the data that? the data are significant data are now bearable measurements that the data are data contained are data of subject of concern start to run in the data are principal with the data are and why they import the data are active dotted data are invalid» the error installing of the modules of management of peripheral under windows which the data is/data are data is data of basic package of data is the data of question is produced data is dirty data is our data of concern is read by the optical orders the data are appropriate to the data of motivation of FD are now in the charts for on data too are? the data are ready data are invalid« are the data of windows.xp data are not decoded in data of file name are bad commercial data are data corrompues are data of work one are your data are the data are inadmissible data are returning DS1? the data are only made data are data already there are fine data are the data of artillery are him in any event? are the data a king who the data are more reliable data are the key with the data are not all the data of art are also sensitive Have of them the data of data of content are data gathered are gathered? are the data available? are the data that in any event? _ the data be together some data of exposure be a full data base de données of code postal with some data of city be necessary within the framework of data be also significant than the data of freight itself be have recurren some data of committee technical be in the data of bag be gather without any data of impact be hold in hostage that the data be some data commercial if crafty one be some data of keller of glenn of subject of concern start to run inside by Laurent of data of pintak 01/04/01 be some data affix be principal with data June of 24 of collaboration be principal with effort of antiterrorism some data of Oct. be and given nash of greg is world of dotted tomorrow energy transforms the impression into programs by the journalist of Internet of news of BBC on line of the data of mark is in the bag there is not any doubt that the bags with air to easily save the lives in data of can of the air bag of your car of car of the accidents misses after the data of conversion are less precarious improvements made while determining data of place of tremor are sure? by the robison brian the data are invalid» is the error installing of the modules of management of peripheral under data of windows.xp in the data is worse than others the data is/data are data of the article #334 are of a newer version of the quickbooks than the data are a basic package of data for the use with data of hyperchem are produced by products of laser of sanyo the data are sometimes ready data too are? in April 15 of collett of stacy the data are less precarious data are invalid« are the data of windows.xp available? are the data of harvests the key for carriers of telecommunication that data are not decoded in data of provision of file name are reliable? 7/22/1999 is data bad deals? the analysis of the data of data of customer is corrupt" the data are nozzle of salesmen of work often that the data of will mantra of compag

Translated to German:
>send | >discuss | die Bindung von >create die 2003 21 sieben, 19:20:08, Su Jefe schrieb das folgende über das datagarbage Googlism für: das betrübte datagarbage, Google noch weiß nicht asse ' über das datagarbage. Googlism für: sind Daten die Daten das? die Daten sind bedeutende Daten sind jetzt bearable Maße, daß die Daten die Daten sind, die enthalten werden, sind Daten des Themas des Interesse Anfangs, zum in die Daten zu laufen sind hauptsächlich mit den Daten sind und warum sie importieren, die Daten aktive punktierte Daten sind invalid» sind; das Störung Anbringen der Module des Managements von Peripherie unter Fenster, die die Daten is/data Daten sind, ist Daten des grundlegenden Pakets von Daten ist die Daten der Frage ist produzierte Daten ist schmutzige Daten ist unsere Daten des Interesses wird gelesen durch die optischen Aufträge, welche die Daten zu den Daten des Beweggrundes von Flugleitanlage sind jetzt in den Diagrammen für auf Daten sind auch angebracht sind? die Daten sind bereite Daten sind invalid« sind die Daten von windows.xp Daten werden decodiert nicht in den Daten des Dateinamens sind schlechte kommerzielle Daten sind Daten corrompues sind Daten von Arbeit man sind Ihre Daten sind die Daten sind unzulässige Daten zurückbringen DS1? die Daten werden nur Daten sind Daten bereits dort sind feine Daten sind die Daten von Artillerie sind er auf jeden Fall gebildet? sind die Daten ein König, den die Daten zuverlässigere Daten sind der Schlüssel mit den Daten sind nicht alle Daten der kunst sind auch empfindlich haben von ihnen sind, welche, die Daten von Daten des Inhalts die erfaßten Daten werden erfaßt sind? sind die Daten vorhanden? sind die Daten, die auf jeden Fall? _ _ d Daten sein zusammen etwas Daten von Belichtung sein ein voll Datenbank De données von Code Post- mit etwas Daten von Stadt sein notwendig im Rahmen Daten sein auch bedeutend als d Daten von Fracht selbst sein haben recurren etwas Daten von Ausschuss technisch sein in d Daten von Beutel sein Versammlung ohne irgendein Daten von Auswirkung sein Einfluß in Geisel das d Daten sein etwas Daten Werbung wenn crafty man sein etwas Daten von keller von glenn von Thema von Interesse Anfang zu laufen lassen nach innen durch Laurent von Daten von pintak 01/04/01 sein einig Daten hinzufügen sein Haupt- mit Daten Juni von 24 von Zusammenarbeit sein Haupt- mit Bemühung von antiterrorism einig Daten von Okt. seien Sie und gegebenes nash von greg ist Welt der punktierten morgen Energie umwandelt den Eindruck in Programme durch den Journalisten des Internets der Nachrichten von BBC auf Linie der Daten der Markierung ist im Beutel dort ist nicht irgendein Zweifel, daß die Beutel mit der Luft, zum der Leben in den Daten der Dose des Luftbeutels von Ihrem Auto des Autos der Unfälle leicht zu speichern vermißt, nachdem die Daten der Umwandlung die weniger prekären Verbesserungen sind, die gebildet werden, bei der Bestimmung von von Daten des Ortes des Tremors sind sicher? durch das brian robison sind die Daten invalid» ist das Störung Anbringen der Module des Managements von Peripherie unter Daten von windows.xp in die Daten ist schlechter, als andere die Daten is/data Daten des Artikels #334 seien Sie, von einer neueren Version der quickbooks sind, als die Daten ein grundlegendes Paket von Daten für den Gebrauch mit Daten von hyperchem werden produziert durch Produkte von Laser von sanyo sind die Daten manchmal bereite Daten sind auch sind? im April 15 von collett von stacy sind die Daten weniger prekäre Daten sind invalid« sind die Daten von windows.xp vorhanden? sind die Daten der Ernten der Schlüssel für Fördermaschinen der Nachrichtentechnik, die Daten nicht in den Daten der Bestimmung des Dateinamens sind zuverlässig decodiert werden? 7/22/1999 sind Daten schlechte Abkommen? die Analyse der Daten von Daten des Kunden ist corrupt" die Daten sind Düse der Verkäufer der Arbeit häufig, die die Daten von Willemantra von compag

Translated back to English:
>send | >discuss | the connection of the >create 2003 21, wrote 19:20:08, CSU Jefe sieve the following over the datagarbage Googlism for: the betruebte datagarbage, Google still does not know asse ' about the datagarbage. Googlism for: are data the data that? the data are important data are now bearable mass that the data are the data, which will contain are data of the topic interest of the beginning, to into the data to be run are with the data are main and why them import, which are data active dotted data are invalid» disturbance the attachment of the modules of the management of periphery under windows, which are the data is/data data, is data of the fundamental package of data is the data of the question is produced data is dirty data is our data of the interest read by the optical orders, whatever are the data to the data of the motive of flight director in the diagrams for on data are now are appropriate? the data are ready data are invalid« are the data of windows.xp data decoded not in the data of the file name are bad commercial data are data of corrompues are data of work one are your data are the data are inadmissible data to return DS1? the data only data are data are fine data already there are the data of artillery are it in any case in an educated manner? are the data a king, who is not the data more reliable data the key with the data is all data of the art is has from them is also sensitive, which, which becomes data of data of the contents of the seized data is seized? are the data present? are the data, the in any case? _ _ D data its together something data of exposure its fully data base De a données of code post office with something data of city its necessarily in the framework data its also importantly as D data of freight its have recurren something data from committee technically to be in D data from bag its meeting without any data from effect its influence in hostage the D data to be something data advertisement if crafty one to be something data from cellar from glenn from topic from interest beginning to run to let inward by Laurent of data of pintak 01/04/01 its united data to add its main with data June of 24 of co-operation its main with effort of antiterrorism united data of October. aren't you and given nash of greg are world of the dotted tomorrow energy convert the impression into programs by the journalist of the Internets of the messages of BBC on line of the data of the marking are in the bag are any doubt there the fact that the bags with the air to which the life in the data of the box of the air bag of your car of the car of the accidents easily misses to store, after the data of the transformation are the less precarious improvements, which are formed, with the regulation of of data of the place of the Tremors are surely? by brian robison the data are invalid» is disturbance the attachment of the modules of the management of periphery under data of windows.xp into the data is worse, than others are the data is/data data of the article #334 you, from a newer version quickbooks are, than the data become a fundamental package of data for the use with data of hyperchem by products of laser of sanyo are produced the data sometimes ready data are also are? in April 15 of collett of stacy the data are less precarious data are invalid« are the data present of windows.xp? are the data of the harvests of the keys for hoisting engines of the communications technology, which is not data in the data of the determination of the file name is reliably decoded? 7/22/1999 are data bad agreements? the analysis of the data of data of the customer is corrupt" the data are nozzle of the salesmen of the work frequently, those the data of Willemantra of compag

Translated to Italian:
>send | >discuss | il collegamento del >create 2003 21, ha scritto 19:20:08, setaccio di CSU Jefe il seguente sopra il datagarbage Googlism per: il datagarbage del betruebte, Google ancora non conosce il asse 'circa il datagarbage. Googlism per: sono i dati i dati quello? i dati sono dati importanti sono ora massa bearable che i dati sono i dati, che conterranno sono dati dell'interesse di soggetto dell'inizio, nei dati da funzionare sono con i dati sono principali e perchè loro importazione, che sono dati punteggiati attivi di dati sono invalid» la dispersione che il collegamento dei moduli dell'amministrazione della periferia sotto le finestre, che sono i dati di dati is/data, è dati del pacchetto fondamentale dei dati è i dati della domanda è dati redatti è dati sporchi è i nostri dati dell'interesse colto dagli ordini ottici, qualunque è i dati ai dati del motivo del direttore di volo negli schemi per sui dati è ora è adatta? i dati sono dati pronti sono invalid« i dati dei dati di windows.xp sono decodificati non nei dati del nome di archivio sono dati commerciali difettosi sono dati dei corrompues sono dati di lavoro uno sono i vostri dati sono i dati sono dati inammissibili per restituire il DS1? i dati di dati soltanto sono dati sono dati fini già là sono i dati di artiglieria sono esso in tutto il caso in un modo istruito? sono i dati un re, che non è i dati che più certi di dati la chiave con i dati sia tutti i dati dell'arte sia abbia da loro sia inoltre sensibile, che, che diventa dati dei dati del contenuto dei dati grippati sono grippati? sono i dati presenti? sono i dati, in del caso? _ _ _ d dato relativo insieme qualcosa dato esposizione relativo pieno base di dati de un données codice post ufficio con qualcosa dato città relativo necessario dentro struttura dato relativo anche importante come d dato trasporto relativo recurren qualcosa dato comitato tecnico per essere d dato sacchetto relativo riunione senza qualsiasi dato effetto relativo influenza ostaggio d dato per essere qualcosa dato pubblicità se crafty un per essere qualcosa dato cantina glenn soggetto interesse inizio per funzion per lasci verso l'interno Laurent dato pintak 01/04/01 relativo un dato per aggiung relativo conduttura con dato giugno 24 cooperazione relativo conduttura con sforzo del antiterrorism dati uniti di ottobre. _ essere non voi e d nash greg essere mondo punteggi domani energia convertito impressione programma giornalista Internets messaggio BBC in linea line dato marcatura essere sacchetto essere qualsiasi dubbio là fatto che sacchetto con aria cui vita dato scatola aria sacchetto vostro automobile automobile incidente facile manc per immagazzin, dopo che dato trasformazione essere meno rischioso miglioramento, che essere form, con regolazione dato posto tremito essere sicuro? da robison brian i dati sono invalid» è la dispersione il collegamento dei moduli dell'amministrazione della periferia sotto i dati di windows.xp nei dati è più difettosa, che altri sono i dati di dati is/data dell'articolo #334 voi, quickbooks dai più nuovi di versione sono, che i dati si transformano in in un pacchetto fondamentale dei dati per l'uso con i dati di hyperchem dai prodotti del laser del sanyo sono prodotti i dati i dati a volte che pronti sono inoltre sono? nel 15 aprile di collett dello stacy i dati sono dati meno rischiosi sono invalid« sono i dati presente di windows.xp? sono i dati delle raccolte delle chiavi per il sollevamento dei motori delle comunicazioni tecnologia, che non è dati nei dati della determinazione del nome di archivio attendibilmente è decodificata? 7/22/1999 sono i dati accordi di Male? l'analisi dei dati dei dati del cliente è corrupt" i dati sono frequentemente ugello dei commessi del lavoro, quelli i dati di Willemantra di compag

Translated back to English:
>send | >discuss | the connection of >create 2003 21, has written 19:20:08, sieve of CSU Jefe following over datagarbage the Googlism for: the datagarbage of the betruebte, Google still does not know the axis ' approximately the datagarbage. Googlism for: are the data the data that one? the data are given important are hour mass bearable that the data are the data, that they will contain are given of the interest of subject of the beginning, in the data to work are with the data they are main and why they import, that they are given punctuates to you active of data are invalid» the dispersion that the connection of the modules of the administration of the periphery under the windows, that they are the data of data is/data, is given of the fundamental package of the data is the data of the question is given written up is given dirty is our data of the interest picked from the optical orders, any is the data to the data of the reason of the director of flight in the outlines for on the data is hour is adapted? the data are given ready are invalid« the data of the data of windows.xp are decode to you in the data of the archives name are not given trade them defective are given of the corrompues are given of job one are your data are the data are given inammissibili in order to give back the DS1? the data of data are only given are given fine are the artillery data already here are it in all the case in a well-educated way? is the data a king, than it is not the data that surer than given the key with the data are all the data of the art are have from they are moreover sensitive, than, that it becomes given of the data of the content of the grippati data are grippati? they are the present data? they are the data, in of the case? _ _ _ d given relative with something data relative exposure full base of data de données a code post office with something data necessary relative city within relative structure given also important like d given to relative transport recurren something data technical committee for d being given to relative bag reunion without whichever data relative effect influences hostage d given for being something data to publicity if crafty for being something data wine cellar glenn subject interest beginning for funzion for lasci towards the inside given Laurent pintak 01/04/01 relative a data for aggiung relative duct with data relative june 24 cooperation duct with effort of the antiterrorism given joined of October. _ to be you and d nash greg not to be world scores energy tomorrow converted impression program Internets journalist message BBC online linens given marcatura to be bag to be whichever doubt made that bag with given air which life here scato it air bag your automobile automobile easy incident manc for immagazzin, after that given transformation to be less rischioso improvement, than to be form, with given regulation tremito place to be sure? from robison brian the data they are invalid» is the dispersion the connection of the modules of the administration of the periphery under the data of windows.xp in the data is defective, than others they are the data of data is/data of the article #334 you, quickbooks from newest than version they are, than the data transformano in in a fundamental package of the data for the use with the data of hyperchem from the products of the laser of the sanyo the data to times have been produced to the data that ready are moreover are? in the 15 you open them of collett of stacy the data are given little rischiosi are invalid« they are the data present of windows.xp? they are the data of the collections of the keys for the raising of the motors of the communications technology, than it is not given in the data of the determination of the archives name reliable is decoded? 7/22/1999 are the data come to an agreement Badly? the analysis of the data of the data of the customer is corrupt" the data are frequently nozzle of the store clerks of the job, those data of Willemantra of compag

Translated to Portuguese:
>send | >discuss | a conexão do >create 2003 21, escreveu 19:20:08, sieve de CSU Jefe que segue o datagarbage excedente o Googlism para: o datagarbage do betruebte, Google ainda não sabe a linha central ' aproximadamente o datagarbage. Googlism para: são os dados os dados que um? os dados são dados importante são bearable maciço da hora que os dados são os dados, que conterão são dados do interesse do assunto do começo, nos dados a trabalhar são com os dados que são principais e porque importam, que eles são dados punctuates a você ativo dos dados são invalid» a dispersão que a conexão dos módulos da administração da periferia sob as janelas, aquela eles é os dados dos dados is/data, dados do pacote fundamental dos dados são os dados da pergunta são dados escrito acima de são dados sujo são nossos dados do interesse são escolhidos das ordens óticas, algumas são os dados aos dados da razão do diretor do vôo nos esboços para nos dados são hora são adaptados? os dados são dados pronto são invalid« os dados dos dados de windows.xp são descodificam-lhe nos dados dos arquivos que o nome não é dado o comércio defeituosos são dados dos corrompues são dados do trabalho um são seus dados são os dados são dados o inammissibili a fim dar para trás o DS1? os dados dos dados são dados somente são dados muito bem são os dados da artilharia são já aqui ele em todo o caso em uma maneira well-educated? são os dados um rei, do que não é os dados que dados mais certamente do que a chave com os dados são todos os dados da arte são têm dos eles são além disso sensíveis, do que, que se torna dado dos dados do índice dos dados do grippati é o grippati? são os dados atuais? são os dados, dentro do caso? _ _ _ o parente dado d com algo base cheia da exposição relativa dos dados de dados de données um escritório de borne do código com algo cidade relativa necessária dos dados dentro da estrutura relativa dada também importante como d dado ao transporte relativo recurren algo comitê técnico dos dados para d que está sendo dado ao reunion relativo do saco sem qualquer efeito relativo dos dados influencia o refém d dado sendo algo dados ao publicity se crafty para ser algo interesse do assunto do glenn da adega de vinho dos dados que começa para o funzion para o lasci para o interior dado pintak de Laurent 01/04/01 de parente uns dados para o duto relativo do aggiung com os dados que o duto relativo da cooperação junho de 24 com esforço do antiterrorism dado juntou de outubro. _ ser greg do nash você e de d a não ser energia das contagens do mundo converteu amanhã os linhos em linha da mensagem BBC do journalist de Internets do programa da impressão dados o marcatura para ser saco a ser qualquer dúvida fêz esse saco com ar dado que da vida scato aqui ele saco do ar seu manc fácil para o immagazzin, em seguida essa transformação dada do incident do automóvel do automóvel a ser menos melhoria do rischioso, do que para ser formulário, com o lugar regulamentar dado do tremito a ser certo? do robison brian os dados são invalid» é a dispersão a conexão dos módulos da administração da periferia sob os dados de windows.xp nos dados é defeituosa, do que outros eles são os dados dos dados is/data do artigo #334 você, quickbooks de mais novo do que versão que são, do que o transformano dos dados dentro em um pacote fundamental dos dados para o uso com os dados do hyperchem dos produtos do laser do sanyo os dados às épocas foi produzido aos dados que pronto seja além disso são? nos 15 que você aberto eles do collett do stacy os dados é dado pouco rischiosi está o invalid« são os dados atuais de windows.xp? são os dados das coleções das chaves para o levantamento dos motores da tecnologia das comunicações, do que não é dada nos dados da determinação dos arquivos que o nome de confiança é descodificado? 7/22/1999 os dados são vindos a um acordo mal? a análise dos dados dos dados do cliente é corrupt" os dados são freqüentemente bocal dos caixeiros de loja do trabalho, aqueles dados de Willemantra do compag

Translated back to English:
>send | >discuss | the connection of >create 2003 21, wrote 19:20:08, sieve of CSU Jefe that follows datagarbage exceeding the Googlism stops: datagarbage of betruebte, Google still does not know the central line ' approximately datagarbage. Googlism stops: are the data the data that one? the data are given important are bearable massive of the hour that the data are the data, that will contain are given of the interest of the subject of the start, in the data to work they are with the data that are main and because they matter, that they are given punctuates active you of the data are invalid» the dispersion that the connection of the modules of the administration of the periphery under the windows, that one they is the data of the data is/data, given of the basic package of the data is the data of the question is given written above of is given dirty is our data of the interest is chosen of the orders optics, some is the data to the data of the reason of the director of the flight in the sketches for in the given ones is hour is adapted? the data are given soon are invalid« the data of the data of windows.xp are descodificam to it in the data of the archives that the name is not given the commerce defective is given of corrompues is given of the work is its data is the data is given inammissibili the end to give stops backwards the DS1? the data of the data are only given are given very are the data of the artillery well are already it in all the case in a way here well-educated? are data king, of that it is not the data that given more certainly of than the key with the data are all the data of the art are have of they are moreover sensible, of that, that it becomes given of the data of the index of the data of grippati is grippati? they are the current data? they are the data, inside of the case? _ _ _ given relative d with something full base of the relative exposition given of data of données a post office to them it code with something necessary relative city given them inside of important the relative structure also given as to d given to the relative transport recurren something committee technician given them for d that is being given to reunion relative of the bag without any relative effect of the data influences hostage d data being something given publicity if crafty for being something interest of the subject of glenn of the cellar of wine of the given ones that pintak of Laurent 01/04/01 of relative starts for funzion for lasci for the given interior giving for the relative duct of aggiung with the data that the relative duct of the cooperation June of 24 with effort of antiterrorism given joined of October. _ to be greg of nash you and d to be energy of the countings of the world tomorrow did not convert the linhos into line of message BBC of journalist of Internets of the program of the impression given to the marcatura to be bag to be any doubt fêz this bag with given air that of the life scato here it bag of easy air its manc for immagazzin, after that this transformation given of incident of the automobile of the automobile to be little improvement of the rischioso, of that for being form, with the prescribed place giving of the tremito to be certain? of robison brian the data are invalid» is the dispersion the connection of the modules of the administration of the periphery under the data of windows.xp in the data is defective, of that others they are the data of the data is/data of the article #334 you, quickbooks of new of the one than version that they are, of that the transformano of the given ones inside in a basic package of the given ones for the use with the given ones of hyperchem of the products of the laser of sanyo given the times was produced the given ones that soon either moreover they are? in the 15 that you opened they of collett of stacy the data are given little rischiosi he is invalid« they are the current data of windows.xp? they are the data of the collections of the keys for the survey of the engines of the technology of the communications, of that it is not given in the data of the determination of the archives that the reliable name is descodificado? the 7/22/1999 data are come to an agreement badly? the analysis of the data of the data of the customer is corrupt" the data are frequently nipple of the tellers of store of the work, those data of Willemantra of compag

Translated to Spanish:
>send | >discuss | la conexión del >create 2003 21, escribió 19:20:08, tamiz de CSU Jefe que sigue el datagarbage que excede el Googlism para: el datagarbage del betruebte, Google todavía no sabe el datagarbage de la línea central ' aproximadamente. Paradas de Googlism: ¿son los datos los datos que uno? los datos se dan importante son masivos soportable de la hora que los datos son los datos, eso contendrán se dan del interés del tema del comienzo, en los datos para trabajar los están con los datos que son principales y porque importan, que se den puntúa activo usted de los datos son invalid» ¿se adapta la dispersión que la conexión de los módulos de la administración de la periferia debajo de las ventanas, aquélla ellos es los datos de los datos is/data, dados del paquete básico de los datos es los datos de la pregunta se da escrito arriba de se da sucio es nuestros datos del interés se elige de la óptica de las órdenes, algo es los datos a los datos de la razón del director del vuelo en los bosquejos para en dados es hora? los datos se dan pronto son invalid« ¿los datos de los datos de windows.xp son descodificam a ellos en los datos de los archivos que el nombre no está dado el comercio defectuoso está dado de corrompues está dado del trabajo es sus datos es los datos está dado a inammissibili el extremo para dar a paradas al revés el DS1? ¿los datos de los datos se dan solamente se dan muy son los datos del pozo de la artillería son ya él en todo el caso de una manera aquí instruída? ¿es el rey de los datos, de ése que no es los datos que dados de que la llave con los datos son más ciertamente son todos los datos del arte tienen de ellos son por otra parte sensibles, de el, que se da de los datos del índice de los datos del grippati es grippati? ¿son los datos actuales? ¿son los datos, dentro del caso? _ _ _ _ dar relativo d con algo completo base relativo exposición dar dato données uno post correos él código con algo necesario relativo ciudad dar dentro importante relativo estructura también dar en cuanto a d dar relativo transporte recurren algo comité técnico dar para d que ser ser dar reunión pariente bolso sin cualquier relativo efecto dato influencia rehén d dato ser algo dar publicidad si mañoso para ser algo interés tema glenn sótano vino dar uno ese pintak Laurent 01/04/01 pariente principio para funzion para lasci para dar interior dar para el conducto relativo del aggiung con los datos que el conducto relativo de la cooperación junio de 24 con el esfuerzo del antiterrorism dado ensambló de octubre. ¿_ ser greg del nash usted y d a ser energía de los countings del mundo no convirtió mañana los linhos en la línea del mensaje BBC del periodista de Internets del programa de la impresión dada al marcatura para ser bolso a ser ningún fêz de la duda este bolso con el aire dado que del scato de la vida aquí él bolso del aire fácil su manc para el immagazzin, después esa esta transformación dada del incidente del automóvil del automóvil para ser poca mejora del rischioso, de eso para ser forma, con dar prescrito del lugar del tremito estar seguro? del robison brian los datos son invalid» ¿es la dispersión la conexión de los módulos de la administración de la periferia bajo datos de windows.xp en los datos es defectuosa, de ésa otras que son los datos de los datos is/data del artículo #334 usted, los quickbooks de nuevo de el que la versión que están, de ése el transformano dados adentro en un paquete básico dados para el uso con dados de hyperchem de los productos del laser del sanyo dado los tiempos fue producida dados que pronto cualquiera por otra parte ellos está? en los 15 que usted los abrió del collett del stacy los datos se dan poco rischiosi que él es invalid« ¿son los datos actuales de windows.xp? son los datos de las colecciones de las llaves para el examen de los motores de la tecnología del comm

Translated back to English:
>send | >discuss | the connection of >create 2003 21, wrote 19:20:08, sieve of CSU Head who follows datagarbage that exceeds the Googlism stops: datagarbage of betruebte, Google still does not know datagarbage of the central line ' approximately. Shutdowns of Googlism: are the data the data that one? the data occur important are massive bearable of the hour that the data are the data, that will contain occur of the interest of the subject of the beginning, in the data to work they are them with the data that are main and because they matter, that occurs scores assets you of the data are invalid» adapts the dispersion that the connection of the modules of the administration of the periphery underneath the windows, that one they is the data of the data is/data, dices of the basic package of the data is the data of the question occurs writing above occurs dirty is our data of the interest is chosen of the optics of the orders, something is the data to the data of the reason of the director of the flight in the sketches stops in dices is hour? the data occur soon are invalid« the data of the data of windows.xp are descodificam to them in the data of the archives that the name is not given the defective commerce is given of corrompues is given of the work is its data is the data is given inammissibili the end to give to shutdowns the DS1 the other way around? the data of the data only occur occur very are the data of the well of the artillery are already he in all the case of a here well-educated way? is king of data, of that it is not the data which given of which the key with the data is more certainly they are all the data of the art have of them are on the other hand sensible, of, that occurs of the data of the index of the data of grippati is grippati? they are the present data? they are the data, within the case? _ _ _ _ to give relative to d with something complete relative base exhibition to give to données data one post post office he code with something necessary relative city to give inside important relative structure also to give as far as d to give relative transport resorts something technical committee to give for d that being to be to give to meeting relative purse without any relative effect data influences hostage d data to be something to give to mañoso publicity if to be something interest subject glenn cellar came to give one that pintak Laurent 01/04/01 relative principle for funzion for lasci to give interior to give for the relative conduit of aggiung with the data that the relative conduit of the cooperation June of 24 with the effort of antiterrorism given assembled of October. _ to be greg of nash you and d to be energy of countings of the world tomorrow did not turn the linhos the line of message BBC of the journalist of Internets of the program of the impression given to the marcatura to be purse to be none fêz of the east doubt purse with the air since of the scato of the life here he purse of the easy air his manc for immagazzin, later that this given transformation of the incident of the automobile of the automobile to be little improvement of the rischioso, of that to be form, with giving prescribed of the place of the tremito to be safe? of robison the data brian are invalid» is the dispersion the connection of the modules of the administration of the periphery under data of windows.xp in the data is defective, of that one others that are the data of the data is/data of the article #334 you, quickbooks again of which the version which they are, of that one the transformano given inside in a basic package given for the use with dices of hyperchem of products of the laser of sanyo given the times was produced dices that soon anyone on the other hand they this '? in the 15 which you opened them of collett of stacy data they occur little rischiosi that he is invalid« they are the present data of windows.xp? they are the data of the collections of the keys for the examination of the motors of the technology of comm

Su Jefe wrote on Oct 12th 2003, 09:53:28 about


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Utility Release: Nosefart for Unix v1.92h-mls
23:57: Matthew Strait has updated the Unix port of Nosefart, a popular NSF player for NES soundtracks! What's new:

Time calculation (for Linux command line) now is done by a child process which communicates the answer back through shared memory. (If this doesn't work, it falls back on the old behavior.) This prevents a long wait before
the music starts.
Added options to disable channels from the start (-1, -2, etc).
Added output of progress (i.e. »4/94 seconds, 207/5589 frames«)
Grab it from the NSF Utilities page!
Emulator Release: GoBoy v1.3
23:49: A new version of GoBoy was recently released by WildPalm software. This is a GameBoy/Color emulator for the Nokia 7650/3650 series of phones. The free version is crippleware (features like sound and zip support are not enabled), but you can upgrade to the full version for 10 USD. Here's what's new:

Improved speed
Full sound support (Registered version only)
Full definable keys
Run games directly from Memory Card
Save ROM files opened from Inbox or ZipMan
Send ROM files to your friends (Registered version only)
Run games directly from .zip files
Get it from the GameBoy Emulators for Digital Phones page!
Emulator Release: VirtuaNES v0.85b
23:39: Another bug fix version of VirtuaNES was released today. This makes three updates in the last couple days for this NES emulator for Windows. Changes from yesterday:

Corrected Mapper 20(FDS)
Corrected a sound effect that didn't play in Sangokushi 2 (KOEI version)
Get it from the Nintendo Emulators page
Emulator Release: FlareStorm 2.0 for the Mac – English
19:33: The recently updated FlareStorm 2.0, a PSX emulator for Mac OS X only has been given a slight upgrade with the recent release of the English version. Nothing new from the Japanese release a few days ago, but obviously non-Japanese speaking people will be able to use it without bumping into walls. Compatibility for this release is lower than the previous 1.x versions, but the core is much more stable and the emulator no longer requires the PSX BIOS to run.

You can download this emulator from our Playstation Emulators for the Mac page.

Frontend News: QuickPlay v3.5 Update
8:47: QuickPlay is a fantastic universal frontend for Windows. It has been updated recently to v3.5. QuickPlay 3.5 came with an incorrect EmuFinder Data file, the SNES data file had ZSNES and SNES9X incorrectly marked down as NOT supporting commandlines. The new file can be downloaded as well ( Here's what's new with v3.5:

Ability to scan inside a zip file. Now you can put all your ROMs inside one big zip file and QuickPlay will scan inside the archive and store all the ROMs
A new 'Getting Started' wizard
New ROM and emulator properties to allow support for even more emulators
Each folder can now have its own »visible column« settings
Added new emulator icons, and made any custom folder icons slightly larger so they are more clear
File Paths transfer wizard. If you move your ROMs on your hard drive you can update QPs data files without rescanning your ROMs using this wizard
Now compiled in Delphi 7PE

Made a few improvements to the Multi-Dir scanner. Now there is the option to set an emulator to a folder AND all its subfolders
Made changes to the minimize/restore code, hopefully this will eliminate the remaining problems
Fixed situation where if you enabled »MAME Real Game Icons« and set an invalid path no icons would appear – now the default »chip« returns
Fixed bug where if you selected multiple ROMs and went to ROM properties – and saved your changes, the wrong ROMs would be changed
Fixed bug where if you right click on VTdir on no nodes causes an exception
Fixed Crash when using MAME scan 'All Directories'
When using ROM properties form in 'multiple ROMs' mode, 'blank' settings erased any custom data. Now it doesn't.
Rewrite the Find dialog – should eliminate problems running certain ROMs
Updated support for both 'versions' of the catver.ini file. Although both versions have always worked, there were bugs in this support. These have now been fixed and both versions are now fully supported (and interchangeable!)
Get it at the Universal Frontends section!

Thanks to John for the news
Site News: Massive Archives Update!
8:03: And here it is, the backlog of all ZD Archives submissions I've received over the last few weeks of my absence. I apologize for the delay, but all is well now. The following 14(!) archives have new and/or updated files:

GameBoy Advance CLT Archive
3 New Cheats
Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (U)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu (J)

GameBoy Advance SAV Archive
4 New Savestates
Denki Blocks
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Genecyst PAT Archive
1 New Cheat
Castlevania Bloodlines

Genecyst GS0 Archive
1 New Savestate
Streets of Rage 3

Genesis GYM Archive
2 New Soundtracks
Street Fighter 2: Special Championship Edition

FCE Ultra FC0 Archive
3 New Savestates
Akumajou Dracula: Demon Castle Dracula

FCE Ultra CHT Archive
4 New Cheats
Battle of Olympus (U)
Battle Tank (U)
Beetlejuice (U)
Friday the 13th (U)

NESticle STA Archive
1 New Savestate
Die Hard

Sega VGM Archive
3 New Soundtracks
Castlevania Bloodlines
Final Zone
Zan: Yaksa Enbukyoku

Super Nintendo SPC Archive
7 New Soundtracks
Double Dragon 5: The Shadow Falls
Godzilla- Kajuu Dai Kessen
Lock On
Rise of the Robots
Shin Megami Tensei
SNES Trainer Charts (June '94)
Terminator 2: The Arcade Game

Super Nintendo SRM Archive
1 New Savestate
Final Fantasy 4

6 New Cheats
Jim Power
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
Megaman X2
Radical Dreamers (J)
Street Fighter 2 Turbo

5 New Movies
Gundam Wing: Endless Duel
Killer Instinct
Megaman X
Megaman X3
Super Robot Wars 3

4 New Savestates
Live A Live
Parodius 3
Thanks for everyone's patience! And a big thanks to sugarhillfan100, Joseph D. Collins, Marvel Miraculous, G.U., Rey, rune, DaPete10, Z-Man, Angry Helder, Tommy Lee Hou Yin, Jason D. Lovelady, ugetab, BradyMan, Mondi, Zyrthofar, Grass-eatin'me, SoontirFel, Der Gummimann, radical dreamer, Hiryuu, Kidd, Some Insomniac, mETROID, Neol, Joylock, and Staudt for the submissions this time!

Do you have something to add? If so, email it to me
Emulator Release: ZX-Emul v0.23b
4:49: ZX-Emul is a great Spectrum ZX emulator for Windows by Lion17 . Here's what's new:

New: UDI disk image format support (reading only)
New: TZX Reader: Support big Turbo Blocks (Back to School)
New: Debugger: Ability to view screen without attributes
Bugfix: Z80: CALL commands (Batman: The Movie loader hang up)
Bugfix: TZX Reader: Block pause level (Basil not loading)
Download it at the Sinclair Spectrum Emulators section
Emulator Release: YAPE v0.52
4:15: A new version of YAPE, a Commodore 16/plus 4 emulator sees a new release. New in this version:

G64 image support
Export bitmaps to P4Shop graphic editor format
TED sound is now 16bit
High pass filter on SID sound
SID setup recalls the last selected option
Sound streaming engine rewritten (no more crackling)

1551/IEC fake drive emulation mode bug found (Club-Infos load again)
No more occasional lockups on invalid TV signals
Serial bus update bug fixed (almost all known 1541 turbos work now!
Cycle exact cursor blink counter
Improved DMA (no more glitches in Legionnaire, Xcellor 8 and Thrust at last)
TAP save dialog bug fixed (again...)
Various speed optimizations
Grab it from the Commodore 16 Emulators page
Utility Release: reVamp v1.0
2:58: ReVamp is a new Castlevania III level editor by rouki of Dragon Eye Studios. Here's a brief description and feature list:

reVamp is a level editor for Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, known in Japan as Akumajou Densetsu. Coded in VB6, this utility reads all data from the ROM and supports both the US and Japanese versions. In this first official release, it features:

- Level editing for all stages
- TSA editing
- A basic tile editor
- BG and sprite palette editing
- Power-up and enemy editing
- Stairs, doors, starting point editing
- BGM track selection
- Character toughness, vertical scrolling modes, and more
Get it from the Facelift Utilities page!

Thanks to Vagla for the news

Site News: New Links Maintainer
1:56: Hello. I am Pipes. I have been into emulation for about 6 years now. I have seen sites go through major changes, come and go, and move. As most of you know the links page has been outdated for sometime now and needs an update. But this can't be done without you. I will be taking care of the links page so if you have a web page, or know a page that should be in one of the categories, email me. Till then, I plan to get rid of all those broken links.


Utility Release: SMILE v0.01
23:18: A new utility called SMILE (Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor) by Jathys made its release recently. Obviously, this is a level editor for the SNES game Super Metroid. It's in relatively early stages and except a new release soon. Here's a note from the author, as well as the features:

SMILE (Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor) has finally been released. It's not as far along as any of us would like it to be, I'm sure, but it will now be getting updated on a very regular basis (say, once a week).

Current Features:
-Alternate state support
-Layer 1 editing (ie- landscape)
-Layer 2 editing (ie- scenery in background)
-Some general room properties can be changed
-Partial enemy editor
-Partial scroll editing
-Export level as bitmap

Currently, SMILE is not intented to do any hardcore hacking. Back up your ROM. If you find errors or have suggestions, let me know.
Snag it at the Facelift Utilities page!

Site News: A Note on PSF Archive
13:51: I've received quite a few emails about some PSF soundtracks being too large. I was hoping that everyone would see the very large disclaimer I have put on top of the page, but I guess that wasn't enough. I have no clue why. I'll say it here: Files over 12 MB are not available at this time due to bandwidth strain. I'm trying to resolve this, but everything else under 12 MB is available here at Zophar's Domain. If you want those files over 12 MB, you can download them at other PSF mirrors including CaitSith2's PSF Mirror or Lawrence Lin's PSF Mirror. No more emails about this issue please.

Playstation PSF Archive

Emulator Release: VirtuaNES v0.85a
13:47: VirtuaNES is a Nintendo emulator for Windows. Official language is in Japanese, but an English version is released as well. Two versions were released back to back, v0.85 and v0.85a (a bugfix version) Here's the latest on both, starting with the most recent:

Corrects an indication of FPS
Corrects screen simulation of Mother
Corrects a bug of version information DIALOG

Because a mail address wasn't usable, the mail address was changed by a virus :(
A language plugin is changed. Please pay attention
Added file name representation in an emulation to a window title bar
Added starting and an option starting a launcher simultaneously
Added a quick load/save
Added a palette edit function
Added a bank changing function to a turbo file
Added various graphics filter functions (requires MMX): 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI, Super Eagle, Scale 2x is usable
Added the option that does sleep of an option of »sync drawing« in activity to graphic setting DIALOG
Added the option that resolution except 4:3 can choose in a full screen
Added VS-Unisystem
Added automatic distinction of NTSC/PAL to a NSF player mode
Added Mapper 12
Changed internal surface drawing process
Changed it so that there is monochromatic/background color modification in a line unit
Changed an approach of interrupt handling
Changed it to set a PAL mode automatically when a file name includes »(E)«
Changed it so that a snapshot can make even PNG
Changed it so that there is a multiple selection in a launcher list
Changed it not to update a list after Folder setting of a launcher
Corrected fault of action at the time of focus movement
Corrected malfunction of triangle wave
Correct a mapper in various ways
Corrected the but that isn't saved after heading editor with a launcher
When choosing file on WAVE recording/tape operation/movie and extension is omitted, correct so that extension may be attatched
Corrected in other various ways
Snatch it at the Nintendo Emulators section!

Thanks to Icefox38 for the news!
Emulator Release: GEST v0.80
13:30: GEST, an excellent GameBoy/GBC emulator by TM has been updated to v0.80! This seems like a pretty big release as there's now added video filters and sound options, as well as compatibility updated, inculding preliminary support for Barcode Boy:

Reset automatically when user changes to another GB type
Added 'Halt on unknown opcode' option
Added 'soft reset' feature
Don't resize window unless changed to SGB mode
Fixed graphics trash in border when uploading border in many SGB games
Removed 'Force GBC' option as it isn't needed anymore
Added more GB Color options
Added some Barcode Boy emulation (WIP)
Added sound filters:
-Low pass filter
-Reverse stereo
-Volume select
Added video filters:
-Software 2x
-Scale 2x
Fixed problems in many games, see the whatsnew.txt for a complete list
Grab it at the GameBoy Emulators page!


Emulator News: Steem v2.61
8:09: Steem, an Atari ST emulator for Windows and Linux, has been updated to version 2.61. Here's what's new:

Bugs Fixed
Fixed extended features Windows 98 crash finally (thanks rb!)
Stopped crashing on complex 60Hz screens
Corrected extended monitor reset display
New Features
Close disk manager after insert, reset and run option
Australian keyboard language added
DEBUG: Added I/O address monitoring, write and read
You can find Steem and other Atari ST emulators in our Atari ST Emulators for Windows section. You can find the Linux port in our Atari ST Emulators for Linux section.
Emulator News: FakeNES v0.3.0
7:52: FakeNES, a NES emulator for many operating systems including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and MacOS X, has been updated to version 0.3.0. Here's what's new:

Miscellaneous changes
Infamous ROM load memory protection crash bug fix.
Overhauled CPU emulation core.
Added x86 assembly optimized CPU core components.
Fixed branch wrap detection bug.
Added CRC calculation for PRG ROM, CHR ROM, and ROM trainers.
Added support for CPU memory space patching (raw or Game Genie w/ GUI).
Added slow (half FPS) mode.
Corrected mirroring of uneven size ROMs.
Added save state support (may not work for all supported games).
Added automatic machine state saving accurate up to every frame.
Added support for replays (currently buggy).
Altered memory map for performance.
Added exit confirmation when ROM loaded.
Significant improvements to the timing system.
Configuration changes
Added configurable save state and Save RAM (SRAM) output path.
Configuration file and log file are now stored with the executable.
Changed Win32 configuration file to 'fakenesw.cfg'
Fixed several input configuration bugs.
Build system & code changes
Updated and added copyright messages.
USE_CONSOLE changed to ALLEGRO_USE_CONSOLE to solve compilation problems (Mac OS X).
Encapsulated datafile 'fakenes.dat' into build.
Replaced all references to `NULL' with `NIL' to avoid compiler conflicts.
Added object file suffixes to the build system (all platforms).
Changed binary installation location from '/usr/bin' to /'usr/local/bin' (POSIX)
Allegro compatibility fixes.
Cleaned-up, overhauled, and optimized most GUI-related code.
Added code to prevent registering conflicting digital directions in input.
Added ability to use `usleep' instead of `yield_timeslice' in speed throttling.
GUI changes
Repaired all key mappings.
Various GUI dialog enhancements and fixes.
Added GUI patch manager with Game Genie support only.
Added platform-specific video driver selection menus.
Added multiple message system and input chat capabilities.
Added input configuration dialog.
Fixed various bugs related to repeated initialization of the GUI.
Added GUI messages (log file) viewer.
Added GUI toggle for the 'swap_channels' configuration file setting.
Added GUI audio mixing speed selection menu.
Added fast (passive) automatic blitter selection.
Fixed default palette not being selected at startup.
Improved operation of Video > Palette menu items.
Video output changes
Added 15- and 16-bit color depth support.
Added 25% and 50% scanlines (currently very slow).
Added several new resolutions, including 512x480 (for windowed mode).
Added Super 2xSOE and Super 2xSCL anti-aliasing blitters.
Added simple interpolated blitter.
Fixed behavior of the 'last_blit_line' configuration file setting.
Added keys to adjust light (palette intensity) from inside the emulation.
PPU rendering changes
Minor optimizations to background rendering.
Memory mapper support changes
Cleaned up and extended IRQ interface.
Improved IRQ support in MMC3, MMC5, and Bandai mappers.
Fixed MMC5 IRQ generation (greatly improves many games).
Added MMC5 WRAM automatic size detection.
Minor corrections of MMC3 behavior when no CHR-ROM is present.
Audio rendering & output changes
Changed default sampling rate to 96 kHz and buffer length to 6
Wow. You can find FakeNES and other NES emulators in our NES Emulators for Windows section!


Site News: VIGASOCO v0.01
15:40: VIGASOCO stands for VIdeo GAmes SOurce COde and is going to »be a learning tool of the internal working of classic games«. Sounds a lot like MAME to me, but we'll see how this turns out.

Since this is the first version, everything is new. The only game it plays right now is Pacman.

You can get this emulator and the source code to it at our Multi Arcade Emulators page.

Site News: SSF v0.07 prototype R6
15:16: SSF is a fairly good (but slow) Saturn emulator that has recently been updated. You should give it a try if you want Saturn emulation. There's no list of what's new for this version.

You can download this version as well as an updated Italian translation and an 'improved English' translation (by me) from our Sega Saturn Emulators page.


Emulator Release: FlareStorm 2.0 for the Mac
13:13: A new version, and a total overhaul of the base code has been released for FlareStorm, the new up and coming PSX emulator exclusively for the Macintosh. This new version is only in Japanese, and has low compatibility. However, the emulator is stable, but unless you can read Japanese, you probably won't get too much milage out of this version just yet. An english version is due out in a week or two.

You can download this emulator from our Playstation Emulators for the Mac page.

Thanks to ßeaux for the news.


Site News: PSF Archive Grand Reopening!
4:30: The PSF and PSF2 files are back online! Many thanks to CaitSith2 for letting us redirect to his PSF mirror for the last couple of months. Since the last update of our own archive, a few more soundtracks have been released. Some of them fairly recently. Here's what's been added:

Playstation PSF/PSF2 Archive
7 New Soundtracks
Legend of Legaia
Persona 2
Phantasy Star Generation 1 (PSF2)
SaGa Frontier 2
Strikers 1945
Super Robot Wars Alpha
Vagrant Story
You can thank Neill Corlett, CaitSith2, zoopd, Orbb and someone42 for these new rips!

UPDATE: Unfortunately, only soundtracks less than 12 MB are available on ZD for now. No more email about it please!
Emulator News: StarRoms Opens
3:50: »StarROMs, Inc. has just launched a pay-per-download service for classic arcade ROM sets. These are what you need to make your emulator fun and legal. This aims to bring ROM collection & emulator use out of the semi-underground and turn it into profit, but will it fly? They currently have about 60 games, all from the various incarnations of Atari over the years, with more on the way. Prices range from about 2 to 6 dollars per game. And no, they don't have Marble Man

SlashDot Article

Check out StarROMs, Inc.
Thanks to Jeffrey »etumor« Allen for the heads up.


Emulator Release: KiGB v1.5.2 for the Mac
5:18: KiGB is a Nintendo Gameboy emulator for the Mac. This new version brings it in sync with the PC version released a few days ago. KiGB features detailed and accurate emulation, which brings with it excellent compatibility. Support for both Game Genie and Game Shark codes is included, as well as extremely high fidelity sound support. KiGB can even emulate the Super Gameboy. You can download this emulator from our GameBoy Emulators for the Mac page.

Emulator Release: THOM v1.5.0 for the Mac
5:15: THOM is an emulator of the Thomson 7. This is a new emulator that like its brothers only runs in OS X 10.2 or higher, but offers almost perfect emulaton. You can download this emulator from our Thomson 7 Emulators for the Mac page.

Emulator Release: TEO v1.7.1 for the Mac
5:12: TEO is a Thomson 8 emulator for the Mac. It only runs in OS X 10.2 but it features accurate emulation and full sound. Mouse and Light Pen emulation is included, along with support for Disk images, Tape images, Cartridges, and RAM Images. You can download this emulator from our Thomson 8 Emulators for the Mac page.

Emulator Release: fMSX v2.7.1 for the Mac
5:10: fMSX is, as the name suggests, an MSX emulator. This version includes accurate hardware emulation, including support for Disk, Cassette, and ROM images. Full sound emulation, including SCC support, is included. It will only run in OS X 10.2 or higher. You can download this emulator from our MSX Emulators for the Mac page.

News Archive

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Denny 01.01.03 Manager
Sam Michaels 08.13.98 Owner and Coder
Jay Payne 05.10.02 ZD Archives, Free ROMs
Lillymon 05.20.02 General Maintainer
Nick 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Ryan 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Kevin Hughes 08.30.01 Macintosh Maintainer
Jason Zsiba 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Gavin 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Sivak 10.05.03 ZD Music Archives
Pipes 10.10.03 Links Maintainer
Daniel Porter 10.05.03 General Maintainer
Nomad 01.23.01 Guest Contributor

Copyright ©1996-2003 Sam Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Zophar's Domain is not affiliated with any company mentioned herein unless explicitly stated otherwise. The systems listed on this page are patented by their respective patent holders, and the names are trademarked by their respective trademark holders.
Privacy Policy

elfboi wrote on May 30th 2003, 06:48:26 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Googlism for: rick

rick is 21
rick is so cool
rick is number one
rick is away
rick is really all
rick is dead on target
rick is our director for vampire plots
rick is a meanie
rick is the artist behind this
rick is
rick is online now
rick is a new graduate
rick is a communication expert
rick is young webpage
rick is a must
rick is hard at it
rick is siding with the forrester family stalker and rejecting
rick is a bullshitter
rick is soo hott
rick is online
rick is rick
rick is not a sinner
rick is rock
rick is really all about
rick is refusing to let me open them
rick is the artist behind the incredible precious moments dolls in the series produced by precious moments company called "the precious
rick is continuing the family tradition in wrestling by leo roth
rick is having an internet interview at srswowcast
rick is a new graduate student who hails from dayton
rick is upset
rick is not a great supportive guardian because he has his own problems to deal with
rick is a fellow gymnastics coach and judge
rick is not in the cast photo for 2002
rick is continuing his on
rick is coming to your school
rick is also co
rick is siding with the forrester family stalker and rejecting his wife
rick is the author of three books
rick is a committee member of one of the largest ranch organizations in northern arizona
rick is currently a professor in the department of computer science at the university of arizona
rick is now bulletproof? miss
rick is too slick
rick is very active in the field of promoting post secondary education for students with disabilities
rick is the libelous one
rick is your chance to submit a question to rick
rick is going to washington to fix that
rick is accessible to you
rick is still alive
rick is raised on television
rick is the author of more than 20 scientific publications
rick is a self
rick is for children ages 7 and up
rick is the president and ceo of the rick hansen man in motion foundation and rick hansen institute
rick is an internationally acclaimed lecturer
rick is helping someone locate a book
rick is bored with bike racing and so dislikes it
rick is currently working on four primary projects
rick is the founder and council member of the honor guard
rick is one of the y2k crop of cthulhu coffee team members
rick is one of those rappers that's so good at telling a story in his rhymes it's amazing
rick is also one of the select few impersonators gracing the »king of cards« playing cards sold all over the world
rick is fiction editor at galaxyonline
rick is back from vacation
rick is involved in many areas
rick is an avid outdoorsman
rick is a real estate agent that is known in the community of fort saint john for his dedicated client service
rick is back by blaze1
rick is now part of a painting
rick is a graduate of the university of cincinnati and served in the us army reserves from 1959
rick is having an undeniable impact in the world of country music
rick is a hero for our time
rick is what you could call a neo
rick is 21 ~ 2001 cd $12
rick is great at thinking of easy and economical ways to 'get the shot'
rick is a man who has experienced much
rick is assigned the mission
rick is funny
rick is the pioneer of the "butterfly release wedding
rick is a master of process and he operates with a graceful certainty and a genuine respect for participants that allows deep
rick is still trying to pinpoint his problem and find a cure
rick is well known for his pottery pieces
rick is an associate professor in the department of organizational communication at rollins college in winter park
rick is not a fellow southerner
rick is a council member of the real estate roundtable and urban land institute
rick is the author of over eighteen cookbooks
rick is obviously using his excursion to escape some troubling affairs
rick is up for parole
rick is _______ years old and lives in manchester
rick is serving up a delicious blend of cajun
rick is well

elfboi wrote on Mar 2nd 2003, 06:35:45 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually




最近NiftyServe某所で流行ってる、「菊池(鬼畜のア ナグラムね^^;)CG」の零号機です(^^;)。う~ん鬼畜 のフルコースだ、我ながらなんちうあぶなひCGを (^^;;;;;).....


ぢたま某センセのえっち漫画「好きだけど 好きだか ら」より、あかりちゃん(ネコのほう)&たまきちゃん(タ チのほう)中学生モード(本編は高校生^^;;)。この作 品、なかなか萌えるし面白いので是非御一読を(^O^)/。


菊池國国王のDUKE!さん:通称「菊池王」原 画、通称「菊池魔人」眩影塗り塗りによる裏の合作C G(笑)。表のページに貼ってある表合作と対になっ ていることはいうまでもない(笑)。タイトルは、貰った 原画に鉛筆でそー書いてあったのだが、こんな深くまで めり込ませておいて「もう一押し」とは、さすが菊池王とい ふべきであらう\(^O^)/。


Niftyの「ななちゃんファンクラブPatio」の発言番号11 111を取った記念CG(^^;)。「1」5本にいぢめられ てる犬娘をということだったんですが、それでは面白くな いので「そのまんま」にしました(^^;)。

Ripped Innocence

いやははは、3カ月ぶりの菊池絵新作(^^;)。いやぁ、 ボクって清純派だしぃ(^^;)。マジモンのろり鬼畜に挑戦 してみまひた。いや~汁物は描いてて楽しいやね (^O^)/<どこが清純派だ(^^;)。


Niftyの某パティオの発言番号#12345取っちゃった記 念CG(^^;)。さりげなく跳び箱にその数字 がっ(笑)。女子バスケ部の1年生部員理奈ちゃんと 唯ちゃん、みんなが嫌がる部活後の後片づけも喜んで やります。ど~してかというと...(*^^*)。


すっげー久しぶりの公開幼^H用アブナ絵(^^;)。「幼き 霧の魔女」の魔女さんの性別がよーわからんので前から 描いてとゆーリクエストにお答えして(笑)。軽えっち でごみん(^^;)。


え~、このCGは魔法のCGでございま すぅ(笑)。普通の人にはおさんぽに連れて行っても らっている小犬の絵にみえますが、キチクな人には何か 変なものに見えるのだそぉですぅ(爆)。ええ、ワタシ はキチクではござぁませんので、ちゃんと犬の散歩に見 えますことよ~~(笑)。


魔法のCG第2弾っ(笑)。え~、この魔法のC Gは、普通の人には女児向け玩具の「ミルク飲み人形」 に見えるのですが、鬼畜な人には何か変なものに見え るのだそぉです(爆)。ええ、ワタシはキチクではご ざぁませんので、何に見えるんだか分かりませんが (笑)。

Hot Drips

今年は暖冬のままいくのかな~と思ってたら、ようやく 冬らしい寒さになりましたねぇ(⌒▽⌒)/。やはり、寒い時 は暖かい汁物で中から温めるのが一番です なぁ(⌒▽⌒)/。.....ん!?「汁物」の意味が違うか (^^;)?


久しぶりのアブナ絵(⌒▽⌒)/。さて、貴方は(1)シャワ ールームで襲われた (2)シャワールームでいけない事 をしている のどちらのシチュエーションが萌えますか ~(笑)?


秋ですな ̄▽ ̄/。きのこの美味しい季節でございま す ̄▽ ̄/。

裏年賀CG ̄▽ ̄

「おかあさんの言いつけを守らないで、森の奥に入っ ていった子ウサギちゃんは、オオカミさんたちに食べら れてしまいました」.....と ̄▽ ̄。良い子のみんなは、お かあさんの言うことをちゃんと聞こうね(・▽・)b。.....松の 内も明けてるってのに何描いてんだオレわ ̄▽ ̄。


一年ぶりの新作アブナ絵になってしまった・・・げげげ  ̄▽ ̄;;;;;;。まぁ、わ、私、基本的にサワヤカかつ清純 な絵師でございますし・・・・ ̄▽ ̄;;;;;。


「遅霜に 紅さす色や 椿花 -眩影-」・・・と ̄▽  ̄。


去年の夏コミで、しぐまさんトコ向けに描いたCG在庫 放出・・・すんまへん、コミケ準備終わったらちゃんとした 新作描きまふ ̄▽ ̄;;;;;。


まつたけ豊作、新記録7本イッキ食い ̄▽ ̄。←下 品だ眩影。


超久しぶりのアブナ絵新作 ̄▽ ̄。アオリのアングル に挑戦(>▽<)。


おめ・・・を開けて「あけおめ」・・・言うたりして(寒/ 笑)裏年賀CGのつもりで描いてたら何故かバレンタ インに(笑)。


Why don't you continue the planet voyage?

Jabberwocky wrote on Nov 9th 2003, 03:19:09 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

2003 November 07th (gold)

Popularity TV program »baffy« »シンプソンズ«
As a Xbox world collection sale decision!

Microsoft selects the game title of the foreign country, sells feature on series »Xbox world collection« 2nd December 25th of the software for Xbox which is offered to the Japanese user. As for price of software each 4,800 Yen.

As for this time being sold, ' Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds ', ' The Simpsons Hit & Run ' and ' Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War ' and ' Wakeboarding Unleashed featuring Shaun Murray ' total 4 title. 1st it is sold in October feature the sport game was the center, but 2nd feature ' Buffy the Vampire Slayer ' and ' The Simpsons Hit & Run ' and so on, with cable TV and the like is broadcast even in the Japanese country, the action adventure game which designates the TV program which has degree of distinction as motif is lined up.

As for new overseas title being added the Christmas day. Because it has become convenient price, by his playing, not only enjoying, whether also it is good to try sending to the friend, as a present.

' Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Xbox world collection) '
* Manufacturer: Microsoft
* Corresponding type: Xbox
* Genre: A AVG
* Sale day: 2003 December 25th
* Price: 4,800 Yen (classified by tax)

' The Simpsons Hit & Run (Xbox world collection) '
* Manufacturer: Microsoft
* Corresponding type: Xbox
* Genre: A AVG
* Sale day: 2003 December 25th
* Price: 4,800 Yen (classified by tax)

' Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (Xbox world collection) '
* Manufacturer: Microsoft
* Corresponding type: Xbox
* Genre: STG
* Sale day: 2003 December 25th
* Price: 4,800 Yen (classified by tax)

' Wakeboarding Unleashed featuring Shaun Murray (Xbox world collection) '
* Manufacturer: Microsoft
* Corresponding type: Xbox
* Genre: SPG
* Sale day: 2003 December 25th
* Price: 4,800 Yen (classified by tax)

* Related sight

The popularity drama which is broadcast over long term was designated as the original in the United States, ' Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds '. The prayer selects favorite the character from 6 people who include protagonist »Buffy«, keeps challenging to the monster such as the vampire and the zombie.

' The Simpsons Hit & Run ' TV animation similar and spring field the adventure game where »Homer« of the protagonist participates in the stage. As for the script and the dubbing artist, the same staff as animation has taken charge.
(C) 2003 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Fox Interactive, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Buffy The Vampire Slayer:
Chaos Bleeds and their associated logos are registered trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Vivendi Universal Games and the Vivendi Universal Games logo are trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games and Inc.
(C) 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) 2001-2003 Id Software and Inc. All rights reserved. Return to Castle
Wolfenstein: Tides of War, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the Return to Castle Wolfenstein logo, the id Software name and the id logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Id Software, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision and Inc. and its affiliates. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. (C) 1999-2003 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
(C) 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

2003 November 07th (gold)

*Introducing the original element only of the game! ' The alchemy teacher ' official sight of the steel opens
*The attention race/lace game of Xbox gathers! ' PGR2 ' and so on holding experience meeting with アソビットシティ
*Legendary ザナドゥ ' reissue edition of masterpiece ' wind of PC engine! Super luxurious ファルコム limited BOX
*Distributing the item which can be changed to the monster! ' Nobunaga's ambition Online ' with event opening
*' Start of リネージ�… II ' general closed beta test! Recording concurrent connection person several 5,000 people already
*トレーディングカードゲーム sale »of ベルセルク«! There is also a campaign and an event,
*Popularity TV program »baffy« »シンプソンズ« as a Xbox world collection sale decision!
*In Akihabara »ヴァナ ディール« appearance! ? ' FFXI ' special play zone December 12th opening
*' Batten カイトス ' as for CM song decision to HYDE! Televising starts from this day
Where when the STORE – picnic compilationthe Nagoya meeting place winter Ver. So it is event quantity, ill-smelling it is!

elfboi wrote on Jan 3rd 2003, 07:26:05 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

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elfboi wrote on May 30th 2003, 06:44:03 about


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